
Oct 12, 2008 19:28

stolen from duckseverywhere (I never do the meme's people tags me to do, but I do the one's nobody wants me to do XD)

01. how many people do you know in person from your friends list?
36 (wow XD) but I have people that has two journals and things like that (I only counted them once tho)

02. who are they? how do you know them? when did you last meet or talk?

1-0kiwi0- everyone knows kiwi XD no intro needed, I know her from school, we met the last time.. on may? mmm no, about a couple of months ago in Mar's house I think, and talked for the last time on msn a couple of days ago?
Oh! the most important thing about her, she introduced me to jrock and all that shit♥

2-apri_parapara,aprisea- korean and japanese dorama/music fan, she also likes caspa, but she's more into indie music now. Met her at school, with kiwi, she showed me a lot of things <3 and my partner for beach days♥ it's been a while since I last talked/met her

3-aya88-ayachu, she's more into korean music now, but she was crazy about jrock not long ago. We met on an IRC channel, when we all were more into manga XD (we're both mad about yaoi manga tho), I went to Valencia and stayed at her house for a couple of days, I had a lot of fun <33

4-bakanishi_luf-that's kuma... she's crazy, she's baka, she never updates... I met her on the forum of the scanlation group I was in about 4 years ago or so then we met in person that year in a comic event, and if you ever met her, you'll never get bored, that's for sure. Nowadays we talk very randomly, but that's because she's as lazy as me to open a window in msn.

5-bats_on_fire-♥ she's the bitch that met Aoi (and the others, but I don't care 'bout that anymore XD) in her hotel's hall last year. I met her queuing for Gazette's London gig, I lent her my dead people's plastic and we became friends XD I'm still waiting for her to upload (or at least show me) her pics from Japan. (You know you only uploaded videos?? XD bitch)

6-bitetoall- another one that needs no intro. I met her in the que for Ayabie's gig in Barna, she was a friend of duckseverywhere and aya88 so we instantly became friends. We las talked... yesterday on msn? she's online right now, but she never opens me a window♥ XD

7-carisma_sensei-famous graphic maker, lovely girl and everything <3 uhum we met in a icon challenge comm here at lj, later on I went to Valencia (to stay at aya's and yuko's house) and met her and her boyfriend <3

8-driate-a friend of a friend, they lived together, we got along, we're friends now XD It's been a while since I last talked to her.

9-duckseverywhere- yuko <3 met her at the same time as aya (those two are a juice pack or something XD) everything I said of aya, applies to her. Talking to her here on lj XD

10-ebonydark- know her from that scanlation group... I think it's been years since I last talked to her XD

11-gloomyceiling,shikou382-she's a girl from Girona... she's a lot into Tokio hotel now XD so it's been a while since we last talked, but we used to get a long very well, so we were really close. I don't remember where I met her... but the first time I met her in person was at a comic convention I think

12- hakuleen,hakulin- met him in a forum I made a long time ago (dead by now as far as I know) and met in person at the same time as gloomyceiling. He has that jrock_girls community if anyone's interested <3 (pa que luego digas de la publicidad XD) talking to him right now

13-heguy- Mar's friend, she's two years younger than me, and she went to the same school as kiwi and me, now were's classmates XD (no, I passed higschool without failing any course XD I was studying illustration while she was in highschool and now were're both doing graphic design) we last talked yesterday <3

14-histery-aya's and yuko's friend, she thought I was someone else and started talking to me, then she realized I wasn't who she thought I was but still, we added each other and now we're friends XD she's from Ibiza but living in Barna right now, se we meet from time to time when our schedules let us <3

15-hosiel-met her at the same place as haku, we never talk anymore... it was fun while it lasted XD We went together to last gazette's lives.

16-k_a_e_d_e-bitetoall's friend, we first met last year in gazette's german live. We last talked... I don't know, trhought lj on her last entry XD

17-kami_no_sekai-jrock fan, I met him at school, he's in a quite popular group in Spain famous for dancing with Morning musume's songs cosplayed as them. I last talked to him when he came back from Japan.

18-kaothic_angels-same as hosiel. (not for the lives tho)

19-kiss_my_sperm-former you-know-who, famous fic writter and spammer and ruki fan XD I met her at gazette's London gig, she was with a lot of people so I couldn't talk with her for long, so I hope next time we can spend more time together♥ (and I'm sorry I don't comment as much as I should, I know I'm always telling you that XD, but you post too much and too fast for me to catch up XD)

20kiyoshiyuu-I think she's quite famous on lj, isn't she? I added her because I randomly came across her lj and thought I'd like to have her as a friend XD
We met this year at Miyavi's live here in Barna, because she was with her class and I almost forced her to come see him with me XD but I had so much fun♥ she's so nice <33 and... we should talk more! we have an RP to do!!!

21-lovely_dictator-She's from Bilbao and ehem, how did we met? I don't remember XD but we went together to Gazette's gig in London, I had so much fun with her♥ and we last met a month ago or so when she came to Barna (because she had the money and she wanted XD) talking to her right now <3

22-mitsuki_hide- X mad fan, she's in Japan studying right now, so we can't talk as much as before, plus, we talked in class mostly so.. XD

23-neska_chan-from the scanlation group, bla bla bla, don't talk anymore, met at some comic convention for the first time (in person, I mean)

24-not_healthy-kiwi's friend, we talk from time to time and when he comes to Barna XD

25-okawara-friend from school, it's been a while since we last talked.

26-pequenyuelilla- met at school too, you can't talk to her nowadays XD nobody knows where she is.

27-plastic_mire-scanltion group, kuma's friend, bla bla bla

28-red_bowlingball-bats_on_fire's friend, they were together at the que, so met them at the same time XD I never talked to her after the gig because... she's never online and she never updates her lj XD

29-reitarokku-met her at Ayabie's too <3, talking to her right now *3*

30-saya_91-Sid fan (the only one in my fl!!!), aya and yuko's friend, so we met in Ayabie's too, with bitetoall and reitarokku, I last talked/met her when reitarokku came to Barna the last time.

31-sayo_kotobuki-scanlation group's forum, comic convention, bla bla bla

32-shigai-who doesn't know shigai? XD I met her because she's kiwi's friend so we see each other from time to time, the last time I saw her was... in a dinner we had short after coming back from Japan I think (I want to go back TT___TT)

33-sir_vlad_darkal-scanlation group bla bla bla

34-tvirus777-carisma_sensei's boyfriend, a nice guy, really <3

35-undiente- he's also a guy from that scanlation group, a nice one when he wants XD I still talk to him tho, also met him for the first time at a comic con

36-zackmaster-also from the scanlation group, he's the one I talk to most from all the people I met there. Talked to him last time... a couple of days ago.

God, that was tiring DX

03. if you could meet ONE person from your friends list, who would it be and why?
yasei_no_tori, it's not everyday you met someone with your exact birth date (23-3-1988)!

04. who is the 6th and 9th person listed on your friends list? who are they and why are they on your friends list?
bitetoall-because I like her now <33 we became friends, so it's only natural she's there *3*
duckseverywhere-yuko yuko yuko... sometimes I have the feeling we have a love story going on between us.

05. pick a song that reminds you of person #11.
gloomyceiling-taion, just because of the username Xd

06. how well do you know the last person listed on your friends list?
zackmaster- quite well XD but he's not gonna read this, so I won't get into details XD

07. list two - three people from your friends list that you talk to the most.
bitetoall, duckseverywhere, heguy

08. what do you have in common with the first person?
0kiwi0-buff, what do we have in common?? XD ask her

09. who posts most often on your friends list?
kiss_my_sperm aka the spam queen XD (and you know we love you for that)

10. is there someone on your friends list that you wish WASN'T on your friends list?
If I don't want them there I just delete them (if they bother me, if not, I just forget about them XD), so no.

11. are you one of those people that do constant friends list cuts because people aren't COOL enough for you?
I don't do fl cuts at all... I don't add a lot of people and I don't add back people randomly (not knowing anything about them) so I don't have many troubles with my FL, so it only consists of people I care about and people who don't update(=I forget about them=don't bother)

12. have you ever been cut from someone's friends list? were you angry?
I think i haven't

13. do you have a free or paid account? did you pay for it?
free XD If I have to pay for a paid account, I prefer buying ribbons

14. do you expect people to read and comment on ALL your entries?
no (I don't even do that with other people, so I can't ask for that either)

15. do you read all of your friends' journals?
yes, I really do, I just don't comment as much, mostly because sometimes I have nothing to say, or I'm too lazy, I try to comment on important entries tho

16. share memories linked to someone that is dear to you:

17. is there someone you'd like to spend the rest of your life with?
all of you♥

18. someone you aren't friends with anymore and miss.
mmm pequenyuelilla. It's not like we aren't friends anymore, but it's hard to contact her nowadays, so i can't hang out with her as we used to

19. who is the last person who added you? and who last removed you?
- added me but didn't leave any comment or anything, so I just don't know who she is or what for she wants to be my friend... obviously I'm not adding back XD I mean, it's not that hard to leave a comment
I don't think anyone removed me... if they did, I haven't noticed

20. what are the tags you've used the most?
blog, meme and random

21. what are the tags you used the least?
meme XD

22. what are the tags of your most favorite entry?
let me see... ERASMUS

23. what are your favorite tags?

24. have you added back all the users who added you?
no. if I don't know who you are, why you want to be my friend..., JUST LEAVE A COMMENT! I mean, it's not that hard really! it drives me mad XD srsly

25. do you use custom groups? if so, how many do you have?
I have them sorted... but I don't use them any more...

26. how many interests have you listed? are some of them listed by you only? if so, which?
103 interests, the interests only I have are *drums* matsuken sanba, enchanted petal and purinto kurabbu (well, yeah, I was bored and I wanted more interests in my list)

27. which are your favorite interests?
Blythe, customitzation, aoi, fukubukuro, purikura, kigurumi... I love all of them in fact XD

28. how many communities have you joined? do you check all of them?
175, I check my flist, so... XD

29. your lj stats:
Account type: plus Account
Date created: 2005-05-29 07:04:13
Date updated: 2008-10-01 16:43:24, 1 week ago
Virtual Gifts Received: 0 Send yumegari_chan a virtual gift
Journal entries: 124
Comments: Posted: 3,454 - Received: 1,128

30. lastly, tag five people on your friends list:

Sorry if there are any grammar mistakes or something, you know, this is too long to check...
Going to have dinner! see you~~


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