Ideas I have

Jul 24, 2006 16:22

Hmmm...I might as well be the first to post here.

Kit...this is mainly for you since Niko knows these ones already:

1) Since Iruka has been to Yumegakure before (before the Kyuubi attack) given the timeline he will most likely have come into contact w/ Aniki-Kyuubi if he were hanging around our group. We wouldn't have to go back and add this to beginnings though, since we can do it during the interview arc. This might also be a subconcious reason why despite his hatred for the kyuubi, he still accepts Naruto (the fact being that any contact w/ Aniki-Kyuubi would have stuck in his mind even if he blocked out his heritage after the attack).

2) Another thing i thought up was a scene w/ some drunken older jounin degrading Naruto for obvious reasons. One tries to strike him, but one (or all) of us would blockt he strike, glaring at the guy like Death itself.

3) We have to put in Kit-chan looking up at the Hokage monument at the Fourth at some point. This way we get her thoughts on the guy who brought Kyuubi down.

Thats all i've got for now. JA!
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