Kyou Kara Maou Story

Feb 19, 2007 13:52

Title: Revelations: Get in touch with your Feminine side-kun
Chapter: On the first day: Anissina Tested the Invention
Series: Kyou Kara Maou
Rating: Not Ryan Safe
Authors: Kitlin and Sanjuno
Pairings: Wolfram/Yuuri, Yozak/Conrad, Anissina/Gwendal/Gunter
Anissina has invented again, and messed up. This time though Yuuri, Gwendal, and Conrad are paying the price or is everyone around them paying the price. Blood Pledge Castle is up for a week of weirdness.

Disclaimer; We are two lowly university students we do not own the charaters of Kyou Kara Maou. The plot is ours though, so enjoy.

It had been many months since Yuuri had returned to Shin Makoku. After the celebration that had been held for him upon his return, Yuuri was content with the quiet that seemed to have settled around the castle. The young king was currently catching up on all the overdue paperwork that went along with his position. It had piled up since his absence and, of course, Gwendal would not allow him any until it was done.

Yuuri looked up tiredly from the slowly blurring letters on the page to Konrad. Wolfram had left a little while ago to patrol the borders as was his duty as a knight. Yuuri knew that he shouldn’t goof off and that he should get the paperwork done, but he really needed a break. He had stared at this last proposal for at least an hour, and he really did not know what he should do with the document. He knew Konrad would be of no help in this situation as he was a soldier. Gwendal, on the other hand would be a great help. Thus Yuuri stood and decided to go and find the eldest of the brothers. With Gwendal’s help he would be able to finish his work and a walk was favorable compared to the work still left on his table.

Konrad looked up at Yuuri as he made his way to the door, “Taking a break Heika?” He asked as he fell into step behind the Maou as he opened the door and started down the hall.

“I need a break.” Stated Yuuri, “I’m stuck on that last proposal and I want to consult Gwendal before I do anything more. Plus I really needed to get some fresh air.” Yuuri looked back only to see Konrad smiling brightly.

“No need to explain yourself, Heika.” Konrad said as they turned down another hallway, “I know you would never try ditch your work.” Yuuri returned the man’s smile and laughed.

“That’s right Konrad.” He replied playfully, “Now can we stop with the formalities? You know I hate it when you call me ‘Heika’. I’m just Yuuri alright? You named me after all.”

Konrad’s smile became bigger if possible and he patted Yuuri’s head while he spoke “Of course Yuuri, but sometime I may forget.” He stated and then stopped. They had made it to their destination. Konrad knocked and started to open the door to Gwendal’s office, the two looked inside to see if the man was at his desk and had just ignored them.

“Gwendal, sorry for the disturbance, but can we come... in...” Yuuri called as Konrad opened the door. To their surprise no one was there. The two shared a look, “I wonder where Gwendal has gone.” Mused Yuuri, “I’m sure I remember him telling me that he would be in his office for most of the afternoon.”

“Yes he did say that.” Commented Konrad, “I also recall him threatening you to get your paper work done as well.” He smiled and Yuuri sheepishly grinned.

“Yes he did, didn’t he.” Yuuri said and then moved back to the hall, “Well if he is not here, then where would he be?” The Maou wondered.

“We could try the gardens...” Konrad suggested, “Or maybe the library. Gwendal could be doing some research.” All of these seemed like likely places that Gwendal may be found, so the two set off again to try and locate the missing brother.

On their way to the library, the two heard a racket coming from the South tower. This was where Anissina performed all her experiments.

“Oh, no!” Yuuri exclaimed, “I wonder what Anissina’s up too? I haven’t heard from her in days. Do you think Gwendal is up there?” Yuuri looked worried as he took a sharp right and made his way towards said dreaded South tower.

“It is possible, Gunter left with Grisela a couple of days ago to go visit Ondine. I doubt they would be back this early.” Replied Konrad as he quickened his steps. They needed to get to the South tower and save Gwendal before anything bad happened to him. Not that all of Anissina’s experiments were dangerous, but lately her machine’s had taken a turn for the worse.

The last experiment had been performed upon Dorcas, unfortunately Anissina had not be thorough in checking all of the wires and the entire project had blown up in the poor guards face. At the time Grisela had been present and was able to heal the major burns. Since Grisela was not in the castle this left Yuuri to heal any major wounds and he did not think he was competent enough to fix anything if one of Anissina’s experiment blew up in their faces. He just hoped that he and Konrad would get there before anything happened.

Thinking of all the ways that an experiment could go wrong, the two made their way to Anissina’s lab. By the time they made their way to Anissina’s lab the two were panting as they had run up the stairs. Seeing the sign on the door and ignoring the warning the two made their way in.

As Konrad opened the door, Yuuri darted in and looked around trying frantically to locate Gwendal. He spotted him, slumped in chair off to the right of the door. Gwendal did not look much the worse for the wear, but he was unconscious.

Rushing up to the slumped figure in the weird chair that was typical of Anissina’s usual inventions, Yuuri and Konrad set to work attempting to free the dark haired man from the restraining straps. When Gwendal did not respond to their attempts to wake him, Yuuri became concerned.

“Gwendal’s not waking up Konrad!” Yuuri fretted, “You don’t think this chair has drained his majyutsu do you?”

“I’m sure he’s fine Heika.” Konrad said reassuringly, “Anissina may get a bit carried away but she would never make something that hurt the user.”

“Beyond the usual?” Yuuri asked with a bit of a laugh.

“Exactly.” Konrad said with a nod, releaseing the last of the restraints that held Gwendal to the chair.

No longer held upright by the straps, Gwendal slumped forward to be caught by Yuuri and Konrad. Pressing one hand to Gwendal’s forehead, Yuuri tried to reach out with his majutsu like Grisela had taught him. Neither he nor Konrad noticed the invention light up at first, but a steadily rising hum gained their attention.

“Uh oh.” Yuuri muttered as he watched the lights with wide eyes, “I think we should probably have moved Gwendal before I started using majutsu.”

“Perhaps so, Heika.” Konrad said with his usual calm, hauling Gwendal over his shoulder and following after Yuuri as he headed for the door.

They never made it. The Machine exploded with impressive force filling the room with strangely sparkly smoke. The king and his bodyguard had just enough time to see the sparkles multiply before they were struck. The effect was light lightning, sending all three crashing to the ground to fetch up against the wall.

Fingers twitching randomly, Yuuri remained aware just long enough to see Anissina rush into the room before everything went dark.

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