Aug 06, 2011 23:06
Today's plans to go to Tsuchiura failed. I did however, successfully make my way to Mister Doughnut and ate a Matcha Angel Teddy Bear Doughnut. I fancy that the website includes the nutrition information. I find it quite useful. It was so hot and humid outside today and my clothing was sticking to my skin. I was very sweaty underneath which made me feel quite ill, so I had to go home.
Now for the very juicy and embarrassing story that I am about to unfold. I am not to proud of this but incase I end up dead somewhere in a back alley or a ditch somewhere in Japan this might offer some leads should anybody find this. In any case.
It was a Tuesday afternoon and I was waiting at the Kashiwa station for one of my good friends from America. I was standing next to the ticket machines listening to Gogol Bordello on my ipod when a man approaches me. At first he approached me as if he already knew who I was so I smiled back. To be polite I removed my headphones so that I could hear what he had to say. Normally I would not do this for a stranger but being that we were both foreigners in a foreign country; somehow the "stranger danger" rules did not come to mind so quickly. He said "My name is Paul." as he held his hald out to shake mine. Without thinking I shifted the ipod and mobile I was holding from my right hand to left and shook his hand out of politeness. I then said in return "I'm Becky. Where are you from?" he then replied saying "Can you guess where I am from?" Judging by his accent I assumed he was from Africa. When I asked him he said "Yes! I am from Nigeria." Then I asked him what it was he did for a-living. He told me he worked at a Car Repair Shop. His next words were "Come with me I want to introduce you to my friend!" I declined saying I could not because I was waiting for mine to arrive and I already had plans. He then said outright "Give me your phone number!" This is the part I am not too proud of. Simply because it is my own damn fault. I said in reply holding my phone open in my right hand waiting for my friends call "Ok!" at this very moment I felt a very cold rush of "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING???" run up and down my spine. He then grabbed the phone quickly and forcefully from my hand, and at this point I thought he was going to run away with it. Instead he pressed the "Menu" button followed by "0" revealing my phone number and e-mail address instantly. He quickly took down my phone number and called me. He handed it back to me and I stored it under the name "Paul" thinking I would "DPU" him later. I knew this could not be a good thing. Only half an hour after I met with my friend did he call me to invite us to a "party" at his house later that night. I declined telling him I had plans. There is more to this story. I did divulge certain information to him in our first conversation such as me being married and living in the town of Ushiku.
Since that night he has been calling me non-stop several times daily. He invites me to "party" after "party", leaves me angry voice mails, and calls me to tell me he is waiting expressly for me at the train station in my town (on more than one occasion). I do not live far from the train station so this scares me. I also have reason to believe that he has given my number to other Nigerians who have since called me inviting me to "parties" (in a slightly threatening tone) and asking me to meet them at train stations in and around my prefecture at all hours of the day and night.
In order to deal with this situation I intend to go to my local softbank on Monday straight away and change my phone number. I also do not intend to go out and about out on my own at night for a while. This does put me on edge a bit. But if he or any of his friends ever approaches me, I will kick him square in the bullocks as hard as I can with no reserve as many times as I can while screaming as shrill as I can manage at the top of my lungs. Or at least thats the plan. If anyone who reads this has a better one be sure to let me know.