Title: World Domination
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Drabble (a bit longer though)
arashiforyouGenre: romance, a bit on the fun side
Summary: Ohno comes home right at the moment when his old t-shirt flies out the window of his and Nino's apartment. Fuck it.
Note: I wrote a bunch of drabbles for the lovely people that kinda helped me throughout the last year (for example with betaing, or with being awesome, or just being around <3) This is for one of my lovely betas
ivenclaire and all the other Ohmiya-shippers :-)
Ohno comes right at the moment when an old t-shirt flies out the window of their apartment. His t-shirt actually. What the fuck? He braces himself inwardly while he walks around the corner and peeks at the other side of the building. There it is. A huge compilation of tons of his stuff.
OH MY FUCK! So, Nino is freaking serious. Ohno takes his phone and calls the first number he can remotely grasp in his very weak state now. He has to try three times though before someone finally picks up.
“Yeah?” Jun’s husky voice comes through the other side. Only remotely Ohno wonders what the hell he is doing right now to sound like in a porn movie.
“He is throwing all my stuff out of the window,” Ohno blurts out immediately.
“Kazu, of course!” Ohno huffs. “Who else?”
It’s silent for a while, and he can hear Jun moving slightly before a weird sigh escapes his lips. “Stop it,” he huffs.
Ohno frowns. “Stop what?”
Jun’s answer comes fast. “Not you,” he stutters and Ohno eyes his phone skeptically. Weird day indeed. Then, Jun coughs a bit. “Okay, so Nino throws your stuff out of the window. What did you do?”
“That’s exactly the problem!” Ohno mumbles. “I can’t think of anything.”
“Did you forget a date? Where you supposed to meet him?” Jun offers.
“An important date… like your anniversary or something like that?”
Again, Ohno shakes his head. “No, I’ve been there once. Never doing it again.”
“Broke a promise?”
“Nothing I can think of.”
“Okay, how about-“ Jun starts but suddenly his voice fades away, his sentence interrupted half-way. "What the hell are you doing?” He huffs at someone that is not Ohno. Then, Ohno hears someone breathing through the phone.
“Maybe you were just a jerk,” another voice offers impatiently. “Or hurt his feelings. Or said something that hurt him.”
Ohno frowns. “Is that you, Sho?”
“You know,” Jun’s voice came through again, sounding dangerously sarcastic. “Those things you mentioned sound more like something you would do, not Ohno-san!”
“Hey,” Sho complains. “I’m trying hard to be perfectly attentive and understanding.”
“Sho,” Ohno lets out a sigh, thinking about Jun’s weird husky voice when he picked up the phone. “Why are you so tense? Did I interrupt something?”
“Hell yes, you did!” He can almost picture Sho’s glare. “And only Jun would pick up his phone in such a situation!”
“Excuse me,” he can hear Jun’s huff. “Who was it again that said work comes first? And who picked up his phone last time we went on a date… five freaking times to talk with his mother?”
Good to know other people have issues too. Still… Ohno is about to say something to stop their bickering when he sees a shoe flying out their window. His shoe to be correct. Fuck it. “Okay guys, just continue whatever you were doing. See you next week!” With that he hangs up and stomps towards the door.
Fuck it. How come such an insensitive guy like Sho gets to have sex tonight while he has to take it up with some drama without even knowing what the hell he did wrong?
“Kazu!” He yells when he rips the door open. “WHAT-“
The words basically got stuck in his mouth. Nino sits in front of bunches of clothes and other stuff while going through it with the cutest frown one could possibly have. He turns his head around now, eyeing Ohno in surprise. “What’s wrong?” He asks. “Why are you yelling like that? Oh,” he switches off the music he had been listening too. “Guess the radio was too loud.”
Ohno swallows. He didn’t expect Nino to be that calm. Is that good now, or bad… like really bad? He decides he just needs to know no matter what. “What are you doing?” He asks carefully. “I mean all my stuff is outside.”
“Our stuff,” Nino corrects him. “There is some of mine too.”
“Yeah, we have a free weekend, and I decided we just need to get rid of some of the junk we have been piling up throughout the last five years.” He raises his hands. “No, don’t say anything. I didn’t throw away anything I know you would get mad at me about. It’s only those things that are visibly broken or irreparable.”
“You mean,” Ohno sits down next to Nino, feeling exhausted all of a sudden. And relieved. “You are just cleaning up?”
Nino shows him a warm smile and pecks his nose. “Of course. Why? What were you thinking? That I got all overdramatic and threw your things out of the window?”
His eyes glint teasingly, like he knows what Ohno was thinking. But Ohno just shakes his head. “No,” he stutters. “I was thinking it would be something like you cleaning up…”
“Is that so?” Nino chuckles. “Then help me go through your stuff, will you? And just put everything aside you don’t need anymore!”
“Sure.” He is just so freaking relieved that Nino wasn’t throwing him out of his life that he is willing to do just anything. Then, Nino points at a huge staple with specific clothes though. “No,” he whines. “Not my fishing clothes…”