Title: Temporary Forever
Pairing: Juntoshi, guest-appearances by Nino, Sho, Aiba.
Rating: PG-15
Genre: romance, bit angst, bit humour
Summary: Tired of all the silence between them and all the arguing, Jun and Ohno decide that they need to find the core of the problem in their relationship. They've been together since years after all... How
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About the fic, I really liked it! ^.^ It’s different from the Juntoshi I am used to read so it is really interesting! Riida isn’t usually portrayed as jealous or insecure so it was indeed interesting to imagine him with these common feelings that we all have. And their relationship is so precious, yet, with the same problems every long relationship faces - the lack of talking, the fighting for no reason and, still, the deep love. The way they showed they cared for each other even in the middle of a crisis was really beautiful and touching! And the way they solved everything can teach us all something, right?! Talking is always important!
The friendship between the five of them and the other three helping them was precious too, so thank you for your Nino, Aiba-chan and Sho-chan in this fic! ^.^ I also liked Ryo-kun being mentioned and the others too! ^.~
Not only that, but the humorous parts were really fun and made me giggle! XD
The bathtub part was so hot to imagine…
Anyway, I really enjoyed the fic, with all the kind of feelings it made me feel!
But, as expected, the best for me is Juntoshi, as always! ♥
Again, thank you so much for this fic! ^.^
PS: I had to read this first because it was my request but you will see me on your other Juntoshi one-shot in the future! ^.~
Actually I tried a new approach for this, so I hope you enjoyed reading it! ♥
I'm also glad that you didn't mind the other guys lurking around in this fic and being helpful, or almost helpful :D
PS: Don't worry about the other story. I'll be happily awaiting your feedback <3
Oh, and not to forget that there is still a request from you in my old request post ^^
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