Bye school, welcome life!

Jun 29, 2009 21:07

Or... welcome LJ!!

Oh my my I'm really excited, my first LJ post ... and as always you don't know what to write! Damn you, first posts!!!!
Well, anyways as the subject says, I'm done with high school, so I can enjoy my life for the 3 next months ~~~ and as I've wanted to start posting on LJ for quite a long time, this is the P E R F E C T moment to start with this, sooo... here we go! 行こうよ  ~~~ haha =^ ^=

Now, I can fully enjoy my CLAMPaholicness!! I started rewatching + rereading Card Captor Sakura ( as there is a new German edition - finally in original Japanese reading direction and with coloured illustrations every chapter ~ HOEEEE!! <3 ~ arigatou egmont! ), I'm gonna reread TRC again 'cause it's sooo damn confusing - I still L O V E it though! (can't wait till the next chapter is out ^ ^)

Actually, this is total randomness I'm writing about but that's actually fun (I think my brain still doesn't work properly after the graduation party ~^ ^~ haha nah wasn't that bad)

Hmm, I still have to figure out what to write about here - but! there's plenty of time hihihi

Have to plant some lavender flowers for my mom now ~ I'm 100% positive we'll have to throw them away within a week's time cause neither of us has a green thumb ^__^ ~~ P O O R  F L O W E R S ! ! !

random, first entry

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