FF.net is finally letting me log back on. So, everything has been uploaded and taken care of. Clicking on the names will take you to their (hopefully) now permanent home on ff.net. (Though 90% of them work. Still uploading.. Still uploading.. Edit: All done and posted. Links should all be working. If not I shall cry..)
Existential Plight, an IY/YYH crossover is posted, edited, and completed.
The Guardian of Paradise, an IY/WR crossover is completed and edited. There will be no sequel.
Lost the Real Dream, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and has had the last two chapters posted. The sequel will be forthcoming in December.
Love's Lies, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and completed. Again, there will be no sequel.
Chapitre Noir, an IY/YYH general crossover is edited and completed.
Allied Promises, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and completed. Again, no sequel.
The Things People Think, a Naruto fanfiction is edited and completed.
Tales of the Night, an IY/YYH crossover collection is edited and has had all forty chapters posted. There will be no sequel and yes, it has really ended.
Sunsets Over Mulberry Fields, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and completed. I will not be writing a sequel to this.
Of Retribution and Passion, an IY/Naruto crossover is edited and has had the first six chapters reposted. Subsequent chapters will be posted in December, after I write them.
Altruistic Tenacity, an IY/Naruto crossover is edited and almost posted in its entirety. Yes, really. And there will be no sequel.
Tricked!, an IY ficlet is edited and reposted.
Longing, a Desire Climax ficlet is edited and completed.
Darkening Haze, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and has had the first two chapters reposted. Subsequent chapters will be posted in December, after they are written.
Thoughtless, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and completed. There will be no sequel.
Slipping Secrets, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and completed. Again, no sequel will happen.
Forever, a Naruto friendshipping ficlet is edited and completed.
Peace, an IY/Naruto crossover is edited and completed. A sequel is rather impossible.
Winter Laughter, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and completed. I don't believe there will be a sequel to this as it's not in my writing schedule.
Deja Vu, an IY/YYH crossover is posted and edited. Right Direction is posted as the second chapter. Also completed.
Torment By Cat, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and completed.
Poker, an IY/YYH crossover is edited and completed. Again, there won't be a sequel.
Tutor Me, an IY/YYH crossover is posted and edited. This will quite possibly be a series of somewhat, but not quite connected ficlets.
I still happen to be working on all three NaNo stories, but if I keep up the pace... I think by the end of this week I will be able to say that I have finished two of them. Which I'm desperately hoping for so I can start focusing on some other writings. I really, really want to be able to say that I have every piece of fanfiction I still have going completed before the end of this year, so I can start off the new year with a, sort of, clean slate. Which would be the very first time for me since I started writing fanfiction, as every piece I have written has carried on into multiple years (some of them like Lost the Real Dream have been on-going projects for five years).
And now I'm off to slave over reviews and the like for the rest of the morning. Tedious, but a very good kind of tedious.