Comic Fiesta 2011: Shimokawa Mikuni & Ceui Live

Dec 19, 2011 16:14

I don't know why I didn't get ready early that day. Maybe I'm worried too much about being foreveralone at the convention. :(

I arrived at 12.30pm and saw the ridiculously long queue for the entrance. I called cherry_tiger and she came out and bought the ticket for me. We queue at the entrance and finally got to go in to the Hall 4 where the ticket counter was. I took the event booklet and we went to the Hall 5, the main hall.

mellow melody
Last Inferno

下川みくに (Shimokawa Mikuni)
南風 (Minamikaze)
イ〜じゃナイ!? (Ii Janai!?)
それが、愛でしょう (Sore ga, Ai Deshou)

創聖のアクエリオン (Sousei no Aquarion) / Shimokawa Mikuni x Ceui

When I arrived in Hall 5 at 1.50pm, Ceui was singing! O_O;; I missed some of her earlier songs! T___T The website said the live at 1.30pm but the booklet said 2.00pm. =___=;; After she finished, she sang another 2 songs. She was so cute like a button! XD;; She got a cute high-pitched voice~! XD;;

After that, she called out to Mikuni~! XD OMG! She looks so pretty! XD She kept smiling at her MCs and she was surprised to see so many fans came to see her live! XD;; When she announced the last song, the crowd when "Awww~~~" and she was surprised and kept saying "Terima Kasih!" (thank you in Malay) and then, "Very very terima kasih!" lol, so cute! XD

After she finished, their translator & the CF MCs came up to the stage for a quick Q&A session. XD

MC: What do you think about our nasi lemak?
M&C: Tabetta! Tabetta! (We ate it! We ate it!) *thumbs up*
MC: Which one is cuter? Malaysian boys or Japanese boys? (lol, guys XD )
M&C: Good! Good! *thumbs up*
MC: Guys! We have hope! (lololol)
Suddenly the MCs & the crowd yelled Banzai and the girls do it together too! LOL! XD;;
MC: Next year is Comic Fiesta 10th Anniversary. Will you come back again next year?
M&C: *some Japanese words* (We hope we can come back again)

And then, the girls sang a duet together! XD They are so cute! They kept saying "Terima Kasih!" and their accent is so cute~! XD;;

And then, the MCs announced that they are selling the girls official merchandise at the merchandise counter. I rushed immediately to the counter while the MCs said that you have the buy the merchandise and you will get a chance for the girls autograph session later. The autograph chance only apply to the poster set. So, I bought it, Mikuni's live DVD + Ceui's CD album + Taiwan concert promo poster. When I'm leaving the counter, some guys stopped me and asked me about the prices. They kept saying why so expensive... uh... okay... Seems like they never bought a J-Pop CDs/DVDs before... when I went home and check online, the DVD & the CD are much more expensive than that. They should be grateful that they are selling it with half of the original price... =____=;;

After that, I hang out with cherry_tiger a little bit and went to eat lunch alone at the cafeteria since the entrance queue is still so long and I don't want to miss the autograph session. :3

After lunch, it's almost 5.00pm and I waited at the hall for the autograph session. :D

I queue up in front of the stage. I was in the 2nd line of the queue. Not that far since the other fans started to queue behind me a few minutes after that. When I was in front of the stairs, I took out my plain shikishi boards and a marker pen. The CF helper at stairs said to me that he doesn't know if their managers will allow to sign that. Oh, so the staff standing next to them are their managers. I didn't know that. All along, I thought it was just one of their staffs. XD And then, I got to go to Sei-chan first. (Ceui is pronounce Sei :D )

Sei-chan is so cute! XD She was clueless on how to sign the board. ^^;; I guess the shikishi board usually for famous artist/mangaka autograph on it. XD After she signed it, I saw that she didn't write the date so I said "Ah, deeto, deeto." (Ah, the date, the date). I surprised myself that I could naturally talk Japanese to her even though I can't make sentences to save my life... orz Her manager whispered the date to her and she wrote it down. (It seems like she's kinda forgot the date? XD ) And then, she gave the autograph to me and I said "Arigatou!" (Thank you!) and she put my marker pen at the side and I said "Ah, pen, pen." And her manager helped her again and she return it to me. :) Is she naturally clueless like this or is it my shikishi board at fault? XD;; Because of all of that, I didn't get the chance to shake her hand... ^^;; Oh well...

And then, it's Mikuni-chan turn. XD

Me: *hands over the shikishi board*
Mikuni: Ah, *some long Japanese sentence* (From her reaction, it looks like she was surprised to see a foreign fan bought a shikishi board? XD )
Mikuni: *some Japanese words* (It looks like she was wondering what to sign on it? :D )
Mikuni: *doodles a cute smiley*
Me: Ah, kawaii~ (Ah, cute~)
Mikuni: Mm-hmm~
Me: *smiling like an idiot* (OMG! She respond to me! asdfghjkl)
Mikuni: *hands over her autograph*
Me: Arigatou!
Mikuni: *shakes hand* Terima Kasih! :D <- very bright smile
Me: *melts* *instant puddle of goo*

I have a fangirl crush on Mikuni~! Hazukashii~! >////<;;

When I went down the stairs, a lot of people kept staring at my shikishi boards. XD;; They must be wondering what the hell is that I'm holding. XD;; Everybody else before me was ripping off the plastic package of the CD & the DVD to sign on and I bought some shikishi boards LIKE A BOSS! 8D I'm glad that it looks like they allow almost anything to be sign. Unlike previous ones, so many restrictions... X____x;; *coughChiharaMinoriandMay'ncough*

After that, I hang out with cherry_tiger until her dance group performed on stage. :) And then, both of us waited for the Makoto Shinkai movie screening. It was okay. I don't know why I didn't like it that much. Maybe because I kept reading bad reviews on the net... >_<;; I didn't stay after the movie for the movie official merchandise giveaway because my dad already arrived and waiting in the car, it's 10+pm... :3

Day 2 was okay. Long queue is still there but at least, it's moving. I found out that yesterday long queue was a lockdown from KLCC management. :|

Bought some CF official merchandise and some doujin stuffs and went home in the afternoon since my legs can't move anymore from yesterday long queue... =____=;;

Overall, Comic Fiesta this year was so fun! I really enjoyed it! XD;;

Just some pics related to Mikuni & Ceui. Sorry, no cosplay photos because I only take some and yeah... the long queue... =_____=;;

Taiwan concert promo poster! :D

Front cover of Ceui's album (left) & Mikuni's DVD (right)

Back cover! :D

Autographed shikishi! :D
Mikuni (left) & Ceui (right)

Can't wait for CF next year! XD;;

epicness overload, jpop, photo, comic fiesta

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