(no subject)

Apr 14, 2018 22:15

Интервью в частях. Каждый день весь февраль (особо интересные для меня моменты запечатлила, старались мы с гуглом) Умный парень и настоящий профессионал

We do not make a book that is. Initially, flimsy or was concerned and wonder if anyone interested I've lived the life. I feel like I did not have any particular episodes in my life so much that I could dig into books. I am worried that this best time's interview will be over in around 5 minutes (laugh). That is why I did not publish a book until now. http://best-times.jp/articles/-/8215
http://best-times.jp/articles/-/8220?page=2 (^^)b
- Do you have a way of thinking, such as education theory, because it is an athlete?
Well ... when I have time, I try to take them outside as much as possible. Since the children are game generations, children at Uchi are always playing games at home all the time. I am allowing it to a certain extent, but I try to play together in the park as much as possible. I think that I want you to learn how much force I have in myself by moving my body as a body that has kept sports all the time, and I want you to know how to move your body to avoid major injuries It is. Sometimes I think I have a painful feeling, but knowing that pain will not give me a hand.
In addition, I think that you can learn how to build human relationships and how to communicate by playing with your friends.
Anyway it is practice. The triple axel that did not jump was able to jump, it was not the fact that a departure from rebirth or a miracle happened, but in the end it was the result of repeated practice. Some players are able to jump right away, but that person is that person, I think that I am doing a tremendous effort before giving results in the game.

After all it is best that you want people to be pleased. Even after I became a professional, I am very happy to be told by the fans that "that program was really good" or "performance is amazing". The pleasure of customers is the pleasure of doing my own figure skating, so I just want to taste it. That's why I want to face skating everyday for that.
Т-Т люблю тебя, ты настоящий профессионал и фанат фигурного катания

In the amateur era, the feeling that I like figure skating was all the driving force. I think that absolute love and passion for competition was supporting me. Ды, это чувствуется. За это и любим в том числе. За волю к борьбе, за желание бороться.
If there were nobody to support it, it really will not stand. Therefore, we challenged not only for ourselves but also for those who support them, we wanted to leave good results.
Увы, я снова в пролете(( Мой удел смотреть видео, если повезет( Вряд ли он читает сообщения в тви. И это все равно не то, что поддерживать на арене.
Нобу, ну елки-палки, а как же мы, которые не японцы?! Мы у тебя тоже есть!

Actually, I do not have any memory from the beginning of songs in the short program. My head got pure white as much as I thought I was out of my mind. As soon as the song finished, I returned to myself. It seemed that tension and pressure were beyond my limits.
On the big stage called the Olympic Games, it seems like you are thinking with your head during the competition. If the song goes off, you can not compete with it unless you keep your body at a level that unconsciously moves.
When the program was over, I was really amazed. I just wanted to collapse on ice, but thinking now I think that it was very good that I could have had that experience. You probably will not be able to taste that much tension and pressure in the future life.

I'm a sweets boy (lol) )))
- I heard that you can also publish books about pancakes.
I want to put it out by all means! I do not know if it can sell (lol), but I have plenty of material!

So, when thinking about programs, we are thinking very much about how we can make customers happy and enjoy themselves anyway. An opinion of the fan is helpful to that time. When I have the opportunity to interact with fans, I often listen to their voices.

"I can not go to the Olympic Games but I love figure skating" is very important in making the foundation of figure skating world.
Eventually, feelings are important
- Is there "jinx" in figure skating?
There are several jinxes that many players care about. The most famous is "Women figure skating player can not win with Rachmaninoff's piano concerto at the Olympics." Midori Ito, Mr. Michelle Kwan, and Mr. Asada Mao are examples. Of course, it would be just an impression because it was coincidence, ability and expectation, but ... ....
http://best-times.jp/articles/-/8390 (Т-Т)
- What is needed now to train figure skating players?

I think that it is the first task to prepare the environment as well. It includes not only practice place and practice time but also securing tool cost and expedition cost. Many players are now in a severely tough economic situation.

I would like to repay a figure skating world
- I was 30 years old last year, but what kind of prospects do you have for the future life?
I had many things learned in activities after retirement from active duty. I became a professional skater, I appeared on TV, I was allowed to supervise the ice skating department of Kansai University, I feel like I was able to take a step as a career finally after I retired. I think that it is all because I continued doing figure skating. In the future, I would like to contribute even a little to the development of figure skating world, not only by trying to make more people appreciate the charm of figure skating as a professional, but also training young players and so on.
- Do you have any future dreams?
From the time I decided to retire, I would like to become a figure skating coach. As a coach, I take players to the Olympic Games. I think that this is a wonderful thing if it can be fulfilled. To that end, we need to be recognized by people around us as guiding people. I retired as a competition player, but as the coach is running out, I need more effort.
- There are still a lot of things you have to do yet.
I agree. As a professional, as a leader, as a society, and as a father, people from the future may be serious (laugh).
Although it may be uneasy, I can say this with confidence. I am living the most fulfilling time in my life right now!

oda, photo, interview, nobunari

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