(no subject)

Mar 05, 2017 15:20

Обчитаться, если честно))
Ток-шоу. Познавательно. Посвящено Юриям на льду) Участвовали Миямото и Сузуки. Есть некоторые подробности из реального фигурного катания
*Миямото, мы знаем, что Дайсуке для тебя бог)))* Но иногда ты в своей хореографии перебарщиваешь. Лично мне по душе канадский стиль
The seiyuu asked whether it hurts when you fall during a jump, and what happens when you fall. Miyamoto explained that skaters know their songs very well and can calculate how many seconds they lost when they fall, so instead of trying to do all the steps that they missed they just “cut” that part and start from the steps connected to the passage that is currently playing. А прикиньте, если свалился в дорожке или сразу за прыжком шаги? А мы все спорим про уровни и тп. *все по понятиям - напрашивается вывод*
Miyamoto said that when he creates a choreography for a skater he also tells them what kind of costume and what color would look good with it, and sometimes (according to Suzuki) he even suggests the nail color and earrings a skater should use. ЭЭэээ….

Regarding what they see when they spin (which is something they were wondering in the previous all night event), Miyamoto said that they just see lines, and the colors of the background all mixed together.

Regarding whether it hurts when they spin, Suzuki said that especially the elbows hurt, and that when you perform high speed spins sometimes you can feel the capillaries on the back of your hand popping. Тяжелый спорт((

She didn't get into details about how they got Lambiel, but it seems that it was something decided at the very last minute and everyone in TV Asahi was panicking because they also had to redraw some scenes and re-dub them 2-3 days before the episode was going to air on TV.

Честно говоря, глядя на Муру, я бы не сказала о сдержанном стиле в костюмах японских одиночников. Да и у Дайске там было дорого-бохато-вырви-глаз. Патрик не назван, но его треники пришли на ум)))

translation, figure skating

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