(no subject)

Jul 20, 2016 22:05

7|13 「よ~いドン!」


7/14 「あさチャン!」

https://twitter.com/himawari_127/status/753340059886071808 племянник Нобу

Перевод http://www.goldenskate.com/forum/showthread.php?50250-Skaters-on-Team-Japan/page118 #1756
Нобу врезал правду-матку))
Nobuyoshi is 10 years old.

Nobunari: He is my brother's son.
Reporter: What do you say about his skating?
Nobunari: Not good at all. Not good jumps, totally under-rotated.
R: Oh, his uncle is so harsh!
MC: (Surprised) Oda-san is always so gentle.
N: It was under-rotated again.

Nobunari complimented girls skating.

R: And about Oda-san's nephew.
N: Sorry for this (private matter?) on the national broadcasting program.
R: What Oda-san wants to say to his nephew is; "Do practice!!"
N: He really does not practice. He always says he wants to go to the Olympics. But in 5 minutes after I gave him a lesson, he is chatting with girls at the rink side. I always say "You cannot go to the Olympics if you do not practice." "His face resembles mine more than my own sons. He is always mistaken as my son when we are walking together. So, in that sense as well, I want him to do his best. But it is difficult really."
MC: If you compare him with you when you were 10 years old, how is it?
N: He is twice as bad as me (of his age) He has to strive much more. It is not such an easy world, you know."
R: Would you chide him at home, please? (laughs)
N: Yes, I will do so for sure.
7/14 世界!ニッポン行きたい人応援団 

Замечательная передача. Замечательная семья. Мужчина чувствительный, как Нобу))

Спасибо за видео!

translation, video, oda, tv, photo, nobunari

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