(no subject)

Aug 06, 2015 18:31

ПЦ, короче. Догнала-таки травма допрыгалсяквадовепт
Nobu's getting surgery on his right knee this week. http://www.goldenskate.com/forum/showthread.php?41909-Nobunari-Oda/page9 #129
It's been hurting since a year ago and he's been getting treatments when he didn't have ice shows but it wasn't getting better so he decided to have surgery and will take next week off work. The doctor told him that he'll be able to get out of the hospital in 3 or 4 days and it won't be a major surgery. It seems like the pain was not so bad during (or at the beginning of?) the series of ice shows he's been doing but because of the strong pain, he started to feel limitations on what he was able to do and he started feeling down because of it. But other than his knee, he is completely well and hopes to cure the problem to skate healthy again.

И не пишет, сколько не будет кататься. Надеюсь, все пройдет хорошо. Народ говорит, похоже это артроскопическая хирургия. В принципе, ледовые шоу закончились. Осталось шоу Шизуки, на которое его не зовут обычно. И JO и CaOI. Многие писали, что хотят его на JO, я была против.

Это не мой родственник, он не знает о моем существовании, но мне дороги эти ноги и личность на льду. И вне льда
СМИ не оставили без внимания

Вроде как продублирую. Это уже где-то переводили, и я размещала.
Была передача прошлым летом, участвовал Нобу с женой

A long interview with Nobu and his beautiful wife!

-They met in Junior High School
-Nobu was not famous then
-They went to different High Schools
-Nobu began writing her from Canada
-After about 6 months he put a heart at the end of his letter to show that he liked her
-She wrote him back that she liked him too.
-She got pregnant before they were married, but actually were planning to marry anyway.
-Their son looks like his wife...fortunately
-He is a great caretaker, she has no complaints about his care of children
-She gets mad when he comes home and she's been working hard with the kids but he complains about the toys being out
-Nobu says that he has a complaint about the toilet cleaning...-that it is not cleaned enough. He is told that if he notices it...he must clean it.
http://www.goldenskate.com/forum/showthread.php?41909-Nobunari-Oda/page9 #125

На самом деле оба сына похожи на маму и папу. Трудно сказать что-то о младшем пока, но старший очень симпатичный.

Спасибо пользователям ГС за переводы

translation, oda, tv, interview, nobunari

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