(no subject)

Jul 19, 2015 00:17

FaOI in Kobe

в 4-х частях https://twitter.com/yururi1207/status/622348283432714240 в 4-й части где-то на 9.10 Нобу делает 4-3-3. Квад шикарный т-т, легкий, высокий. На риттбергере чуть-чуть не хватило высоты(сил), чтобы полностью докрутить.

Перевод беседы на ГС http://www.goldenskate.com/forum/showthread.php?41909-Nobunari-Oda/page8

Nobu's Plans:
3 Years time -Retire from Pro Skating?? Focus on Coaching??
7 Years time -Go with my student to the Olympics!
15 Years Time -Take my wife on a trip around the world once my children have grown up.
First Half of Guys Talk:
All three clapping hands, yaaaay, let's do this! (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu Doesn't have a direct tranlation so...)
Nobu: Please take a look! I've brought you my reccomended Kobe Sweets!
All three: Itadakimaaaaasu (Let's eat)
Nobu: It's so good
Yuzu: It's really good, I don't eat chocolate cake much.
Nobu: What do you eat?
Yuzu: Short cake
Nobu: Short cake? that's so cute!
Yuzu: This is really delicious
Nobu: Shoma, what do you think?
Shoma: It's yummy.
N: Do you like sweet things Shoma?
S:I like them
Y: Nobu-kun lately, you've been on TV a lot right? Do a food report please.
N: Ok! (Nobu puts on his TV face) I will now have a bite of this chocolate cake. ok?
Oh wooooow, amaaaazing, my fork went right in! The sweetness is not as heavy as I thought, it's just...Soooo deliciouusss!!!
Y: May I critique you? Why are you doing it girlishly?
N: To amuse you.
Y: If we go on like this it will only be you and me talking.
N: So, let's tease Shoma
Y: Yes, let's tease him!

Then they pic a topic card about Winning Junior Worlds. But that topic has been translated earlier, as well as getting nervous before a competition and needing to go to the bathroom.
To be continued

Second Half of Guys Talk

Shoma picks another card 'The Future in 3, 7, 15 years
They all begin to write, and Nobu begins to sing a song about the future...Yuzu stares at him

N: you know this?
Y: I do...but I was surprised you were singing suddenly with your mike on.
N: I was having fun writing about the future...is it ok? I'll start?

Nobu's Plans:
3 Years time -Retire from Pro Skating?? Focus on Coaching??
7 Years time -Go with my student to the Olympics!
15 Years Time -Take my wife on a trip around the world once my children have grown up.

Y: That's so private!
N: Just the last one.
Y: Retire? in 3 years?
N: I don't know...
Y: You can be part of the personality business (Talent business in Japanese)
N: As a Comedian...I do want to become a Coach. So to do that, I need to decide around here (3 years)
And in 15 years, take my wife on vacation round the world once my children are grown.
y: Your youngest will be 20?
N: My eldest will be 20 and my second will be 18
Y: You can't go then...
N: Not yet. Just a tiny bit longer. about 20 Years?
Y: about 20.
N: Shoma can you go? Please.
Nobu and Yuzu laugh...

Shoma's Future Plans
3 Years time -Go to Olympics
7 years time -Go to Olympics
15 Years time -Pro Skater

N: It's just soo cute. In 3 years..
S: Go to olympics
N: in 7 years...
S: Go to olympics
N: When you are 32 years old...
S: I don't know if I'll still be skating,
N: But a Pro Skater, well you just want to be involved with skating the whole way.
S: Nodding
N: If you can, Hanyu Senshu!
H: Ok.

Hanyu's Future Plans:
3 Years time -To be able to show the technique he has built up to the fullest. (I'd like to show this at the Olympics)
7 Years time -To do supporting activities (charity) as a pro skater, help other skaters. ( while I am young, I want to build up and show further techniques as a Pro Skater and be involved with even more skaters.

N: (Suddenly) Excuse me I need to go to the bathroom! I'm so sorry. I need to go toilet, I need to go toilet! (hopping up and down) Sorry, excuse me! (runs off)

Y: His stomach was going 'grrrrrrr' so much next to me! It was amazing! What's the last card. (moving on smoothly without Nobu) Only in Men's Skating Having a stomach ache and needing to run to the bathroom. (laughter)
In Men's Skating there is not so much Seniority (sempai/kohai a system of seniority in Japan, very strong in most parts of society from school to business places)
S: True, generally, we get along well.
Y: Yes, right now you are using polite language, (one uses polite speech to seniors) but usually we don't. I don't use it to Nobu-kun an the like.
S: There are a lot of Gamers aren't there?
Y: There are a lot of Gamers.
S: Everyone is doing it.
Y: There was a time when Monster Hunter was super popular.
S: it was popular.
Y: I've got a Monster Hunter Commercial, So I take this time to say it. Monster Hunter, it's popular. (laughter).
Ten minutes later: Nobu returns.
N: So sorry, at an important time...
Y: It's okay, we did the Men's Figure Skating card.
N: Really? So sorry!
Y: How there isn't so much a Seniority system.
N: True (out of breath and flustered)
Y: LooooooL
N: So, 15 years... Retire from Pro, get involved with other sports not just skating?
Y: So I might have finished being Pro by this time, or I might think I want to do a bit more, it's not certain. In 7 years, it will be skating, and in 15 years I want to broaden my horizons, I had experience of accidents and an operation, I''m interested in understanding and telling people about problems not only in skating but in all sports.
N: But after this skating?
Y: I'll always be part of it.
N: I'm happy.
Y: But if I became a commentator, I think I would stumble over my words a lot.
N:You'll be allright, you are better than me.
Y: I'd remember to go to the bathroom...
N: Yeah...My stomach, what could it be??

Guys Talk part 3...

Y: this is a timely card and of course the talk will turn to Nobu...
N: No, nonono, not my story everyone knows my story, so do you have interest in romance/love?
Y: (to Nobu) well do you??
N: To be honest, when I was your age, Yuzu, I really did a LOT!
Y: A whole lot?
N: A whole lot. I was a college student then and my friends were all falling in love, and I felt I wanted that too. Shoma, what do you think about romance?
S: Hmmm, well, I think it's just skating for me now.
N: He said it with his best smile! Yuzu?
Y: Me too.
N: Then what about Hopes of Marriage?
Y: That may be easier to answer.
N: So you two, your hopes of Marriage?
S: None.
N: None? hmmmm. Yuzu?
Y: I do want to get married.
N: And by what age?
Y: Twenty....six? five or six.
N: Well, well, just about the normal time for marriage.
Y: At about 25-6 I'd like to get married.
N: I think you'd be a great papa.
Y: Really? Yes!!
N: Because you like kids.
Y: I do like them! But Shoma would also be a good dad I think. But I think we'd all be ruled by our wives, I can see that...
and in Nobu's case it is the present and progressive-tense.
N: If I say that, my Wife will get mad at me!
Y: Is it ok for you to say that?
N: It's fine! It's totally fine.

Гифка с 4-3 http://38.media.tumblr.com/32773ab32eba59726f1ee628725c146f/tumblr_inline_nrfvy3Skoo1re986q_540.gif
Ханью зовет Ода-сан Нобу-кун. Что даже я знаю совсем нетипично от младшего. На ГС кто-то сказал, что только близкие друзья могут такое позволить. Хм

Сегодня вспомнила подзабытые ощущения. Он отстегнул для про-скейтера всего три года. Это до 2018. https://twitter.com/ack_yuz/status/622336117409341441
Дежа вю. Это как в 2013-м. Т_Т Жизнь есть только до ЧЯ, так и получилось. Жизнь фигуриста-любителя закончилась. И вот опять пенсия! Это кошмар какой-то. Я так больше не могу! Т_Т Кто бы мне сказал, что про-фигурист может уйти на пенсию. А как же обещание сохранить технику по возможности как можно дольше? Фиг бы с ТВ, но катание...Т_Т

Разоралась тут. Видимо, так надо. И понимаю ведь, что так долго продолжаться это не может. Даже если из ТВ программ у него всего три постоянных передачи осталось, кое-какая реклама и иногда пиар акции. А не каждый день шоу как было до февраля. Пока там мама прикрывает его тылы, видимо. Но от тренера требуется участие каждый день, чтобы был результат.
Там стоят вопросы (??) в графе о трех годах. Получается, не 100%? Но верю, что срок определил. Надо быть слепым, чтобы не заметить, что он спешит. Спешит исполнить, что хотел. Тут тебе и Баттл, и танго, и Риверданс, Счастье (и что еще за программа от Миямото?)и 4-3-3 похоже где-то в ту калитку. Я еще думала, зачем ему столько программ сразу. Ааааа (p_q)

Не, Ода-сан вряд ли через 15 лет тебе удастся путешествовать с женой по миру. Ты же тренер. И для детей в(18-20) будешь работать на образование и налоги. Лет через 30-ть более реально

Из веселого. Два кансайца довели Уно. А галдели-то как и засмущали совсем пацана. Он готов был провалиться по-моему https://twitter.com/_mQuQm__/status/622398144383356928
Шома, в Кобе ты попал. https://twitter.com/BlueSitori/status/622307380445884416

в 3-х частях https://twitter.com/yuzuhanyuu/status/622349845546700800
Кусочки видео


Спасибо за перевод, за видео (- -)/

translation, video, oda, show, photo, interview, nobunari

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