(no subject)

Jul 13, 2015 22:54

Кусочек интервью Ода-сан, Ханью, Уно http://kansai.pia.co.jp/interview/sports/2015-07/1507003.html

Обещают продолжение про любовь:)))

Перевод (ссылку взяла на ГС) http://yuzuland.tumblr.com/post/123967166822/interview-with-yuzu-shoma-and-nobu
~Winning Worlds Junior Championship~ (all 3 of them have won Worlds Junior Championship before)

Oda: When did you start being aware of [competing against] the world?
Hanyu: I started back when I was in primary school.
Oda: Since primary school?
Hanyu: I thought “I must win!”
Oda: Wow. How about Shoma?
Uno: …..Starting this year.
Oda: Huh, this year? So you are not aware of it yet? What do you feel about going to senior this year?
Uno: The fact that I am going to senior this year still doesn’t seem to be real to me.
Oda: Work hard! (laugh)

~Something that only you know~

Oda: What do you do to concentrate before competition?
Uno: Depends on my mood at that time.
Oda: Oh so it varies from time to time. Which kind are you?
Hanyu: My rituals are almost the same all the time.
Oda: Me too. Mine are the same.
Hanyu: I get nervous easily.
Oda: Ah, I get nervous easily too.
Hanyu: Eh? Really? Do you have stomachache and diarrhoea before competition?
Oda: I did, before grade 11 (2nd year in high school). I stayed in the toliet. How about you, do you get diarrhoea?
Hanyu: I have it a lot of times. Before competition.
Oda: Yeah we do, I get so tired [afterwards].
Hanyu: Sometimes it gets too painful for me to concentrate.

Also, in the next topic “Future (in 3 years, 7 years and 15 years)”, Oda reveals his dream for 15 years in the future and Hanyu commented on it as “So private”. What are Oda’s, Hanyu’s and Uno’s dream for the future? Also, in the topic of “Love and wishes for marriage”, Oda, who is already married, asked Hanyu and Uno about their views on love. What are Hanyu’s wishes for marriage? Please check out the show on 7/18 (on ABC Asahi )

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Кое-что из Figure Skating Ao-re Nagaoka

Вариант группового фото от Марин https://twitter.com/mareeeeeen2018/status/620563136219734016 Мики уже нет, а дружки сели потеснее (ее)
Вариант от Акико http://ameblo.jp/suzuki-akko/entry-12049909084.html?timestamp=1436756156
Новости ttps://youtu.be/5TCs85LLM38
Нобу как и Ильиных без уточек уже почти не появляется. Это дома гамак? Няшка http://ameblo.jp/oda-nobunari/entry-12049996181.html

Всем спасибо!

translation, video, oda, show, photo, interview, nobunari

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