Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot.

Nov 26, 2008 19:01

... Monday was a shitty day, thanks to the SNCF strike and the usuals fuckings troubles of the damn public transport. I had checked the day before if my train of 7:43 was maintained and it was. But upon arriving on the platform, they announced an incident at Chateau-Thierry (the station when the train departs) and there would be a delay of twenty minutes. Fortunately, there was another train going to Paris at this hour, the only problem was that it stopped at several stations before reaching Paris, that would make me arrive just on time at my first class. But I had no choice and I took it and arrived just on time, almost late because the metro also decided to be a shitty service and be slower than usual.

But it was not the end of the shitty day. On my way home, when I arrived at the station to take a train back to Meaux, I noticed that no platform was announced while the train was supposed to leave in less than ten minutes. I smelled troubles even it was announced : the fucking traveller accident a.k.a someone decided to fuck with everyone by either pushing smone on the tracks or jumping on the tracks.

And I tell you, I'm bloody sick of that. If you kill youself, could you just do it without screwing over anyone else ? Is it that hard to just take pills or cut your veins. Nooooo, you have to go and fucking stop the circulation for hours. As for the pusher and the pushed, I say "Fuck You" to the former and " Have some guts !" to the latter.

That said, I managed to get home, at a reasonable time because the SNCF was efficient for once.

On a final note, the horoscope for this day : (en Français)

Tout ne fonctionne pas comme vous le souhaiteriez. Il y a des jours avec et des jours sans.



I haven't post since the 14th (u_u) therefore I have two cinema saturdays reviews to do.

First Saturday (11/15)

Body of Lies : It's definitely not my type of film and yet I spend a good time watching the film. I saw it first for Russel Crowe (*remembers the AP* T_T) but IMO the film was totally hijacked by Mark Strong as Hani Salaam. Although the character is not present a lot during the movie, he fucking owns it, actor-wise and plot-wise 8D (Mark Strong is one of those underestimated British actors who needs more recognition). The end is particularly emphasizing how utterly manipulated our sweet american "heroes" are. Plus the slashy subtext, oh XD  Our dear Ferris is torn between his current and possessive lover back in the US and the newly exotic and strangely hypnotic head of the jordanian secret services.

The Duchess :  Of the Craft of PWNAGE. Or the Story in which Ralph Fiennes pwns his wife constantly, she retaliates sometimes but she is never witty enough. I was hesitant to see this movie because I'm getting fed up with Keira Knightley in period pieces but I was right to go and see it. And what saved the film for me was Ralph Fiennes, in stockings (♥), having the upper hand during the whole film, witty, being the sole character to bring humour. And besides, it's Ralph Fiennes and that in itself is enough. The film taking place during Georges III's reign, one despicable character made his apparition, Mr. Charles Fox and once again, I wanted to growl (I'm a weirdo, I know XD).

Second Saturday (11/22)

Vilaine : It is a rare thing for me to see French movies at the cinema. This Saturday, I went to see Vilaine. I had read some mixed reviews btu I decided to see it anyway. It was good entertainment, a good comedy and I laughed a lot. I saw what has been criticised and understood it. It could have been done better but it did not need to. As it was, it was a good comedy.

Rock'NRolla : Archie, oh Archie *w*. First thing : Where the fuck do they get their translators ?  Archy ? I mean, really ? It was even written in the credits but the translator kept writing 'Archy' during the whole film. FAIL. But the film *w* Looooooooved it. For several reasons XD 1) The accents. I'm a sucker for British accents. It's like half the job's done. 2) The music. It litterally throws you in the atmosphere, especially at the beginning 8D 3) The Actors, Tom Wilkinson, Gerard Butler and fucking Mark Strong. And if I was impressed by him in Body of Lies, it was mind blowing in Rock'NRolla. 4) The characters such as Archie. I'm not obsessed 8D 5) The gay text :DDD My gaydar saw it coming from miles away. 5) The constant humour. You laugh throughout the film XDD (I'm just laughing thinking about it XD). I love everything in fact :D (And yes, I want a sequel *w*)

That's it for this post. I'm not that much on LJ at the moment but I'll try to post more often. (If anyone cares >>)

PS : I had something weird happen to me, last week in French class. I had ideas and inspiration to write fics. It's been a long time since I've wrote fiction. Maybe I'll write again. (The test will my two French works of fiction to write.)

rl:bitching, rl:wtf, cinema, actors:british actors, actors:mark strong

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