Film Reviews : Kung Fu Panda & In Bruges.

Jul 30, 2008 02:03

On Friday, I went to see Kung Fu Panda. To be honest, in the beginning I was not interested in that film. It looked entertaining yes, but I was not thinking about going to see it in a cinema. Something makes me changed my mind. I saw the trailer thrice before Prince Caspian. After laughing each time, I decided it was worth a try. I almost waited too much to see it (3rd week) and I had to pick a cinema I had never tried before if I wanted to see in English. (Pour ceux que ça interessé, c'est le MK2 Bibliothéque que j'ai essayé, les salles sont bizarres mais les sièges sont bien larges... mais bon mon coeur bat toujours pour Bercy. Et les UGC en général :D)

Here is a short review on the film : [SPOILERS]

Frankly, I was pleasantly surprised. I did expected a funny film but not that funny. I literally laughed the whole time and there was no respite. The trailer did make a good work of giving the humourous tone of the film but did not gave away the plot. I had not expected the story to turn out like that, especially the beginning, the ending being of course somwhat expected. The plot is not complex or complicated, it's a very simple story with a nice morale. The fact that Po was the Dragon Warrior all the time without a super power hidden is a good way to tell children that strength rest in ourselves not in some exterior forces. Of course, it's above all en entertaining film rather than a moralistic one but it's nice to slip a bit of advice in the end.

The humour was constant throughout the all story. The funny moments, the gags kept on coming without being heavy or too much. I think humour can do a lot of good to a film and here it makes a good entertaining film out of Kung Fu Panda. The film was too short though. Less than one hour and a half is really short for me, even for an animation film. But I guess they did not want to stretch it too much.

The characters were well developped enough even I wish we could have seen more of the Furious Five. Po, Master Shifu, Tai Lung are the main characters and the more developped characters. We don't know much about the Furious Five and while they were obviously secondary characters, I would have love to know more about them.

And especially about Crane. Because Master Crane is my favourite character *w*. I dunno why but the scene in his room with Po sold me. (No I'm not talking about Porn here. I don't even ship in this film. But I have seen Po/Crane on the Pit... *coughs*) and later that scene : (after Crane just helped Po.)

Po : " Thank you. "
Crane : " Don't mention it. "
Po : " No, really I appreciate..."
Crane : " E-ver."

Crane's face when he says 'Ever ?' Priceless.

I read that now they were going to do a sequel. I'm not so keen on this kind of sequel but if it means MOAR Crane, I'm all for it ^_^

In short, a good entertaining film.

And since I'm doing short review film (I've still got that huge crackfest!Narnia one to do...*waits for her wife to come home*), I'll give In Bruges : [SPOILERS]

I'll say it first, In Bruges is one of the best film I have ever seen. It's an excellent film and I'm not the only one to say. It's also the kind of film you have to see in its original language or it's going to suck and you're going to miss half of the film. I saw it in English (Original language) and I had subtitles (because it's compulsory in France) and the subtitle were missing half what was said, particularly considering the swearing which magically disappeared from the subtitles. Fortunately, I understand English perfeclty well and I had no problem watching and listenning to the whole film.

The plot is very well tied up from beginning to end. It follows very well and I find myself captivated right from the start. The story of these two assassins waiting for order in 'fucking' Bruges is quite compelling. It's a dark comedy. You laugh quite a lot during the film but the themes are dark and far from being funny. The subsequential events in the fillm led to a perfect, IMO. It's the kind of film that you feel can't end well. It won't be an happily ever after. Colin Farell's character screwed up too bad to be redeemed. (Although the end is open for some people to think he is.)


In the end, Harry (Ralph Fiennes) kills Ken (Brandon Gleesoon) before going after Ray (Colin Farell) to kill as well. He shoots him mortally but Ray still escapes him by stumbling in the streets of Bruges until he reaches the shooting site where is his midget friend. However Harry has followed him and keeps shooting him.

Earlier in the film, Harry said :

" Ken, if I had killed a little kid, accidentally or otherwise, I wouldn't have thought twice. I'd killed myself on the fucking spot. On the fucking spot. I would've stuck the gun in me mouth. On the fucking spot! "

When he keeps shooting, he accidentally blows the midget's head and discovered it. Not knowing that he was actually a dwarf and not a child - and Ray not having the time to tell him - he kills himself. On the fucking stop.

And I think it's perfectly done. They wrapped the end. The 'less bad' guys are dead. The 'worse' guy is dead. There could have been no better end.

Concerning Ray, it's not showed directly that he's indeed dead. But his last thoughts tend to prove that he did.

"And I really really hoped I wouldn't die. I really really hoped I wouldn't die."

IMO, it means he died.


The humour and the swearing are tightly linked together. Often it's the profusion of swearing that makes people laugh. Funny scenes like the fight in the restaurant ("Ray: A bottle! Don't bother."), the karate scene (Ray: Back off, shorty! Jimmy: You don't know karate! [Ray karate chops Jimmy's neck]), coupled with classic lines :

Ray: One gay beer for my gay friend, one normal beer for me because I am normal.

Ken: Ray, you are about the worst tourist in the whole world.
Ray: Ken, I grew up in Dublin. I love Dublin. If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Bruges might impress me but I didn't, so it doesn't.

Ray: Bruges is a shithole.
Ken: Bruges *is* not a shithole.
Ray: Bruges *is* a shithole.
Ken: Ray, we only just got off the fucking train! Could we reserve judgement on Bruges until we've seen the fucking place?

And countless of others.

Congratulations for the three main actors for doing an awesome work ♥ Ralph Fiennes ♥

In short, an excellent and cynical film about Bruges :D I encourage everyone to go and see it :D

I updated my 'Film To See' List. Check it out.


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film review:in bruges, cinema, film review:kung fu panda

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