The Dork Knight (tm) XD

May 01, 2008 00:19

Another post on the Dark Night. [And no, it's not a typo in the title, you'll understand why later ;)]

I'm really waiting fot this film and that's putting it mildly. I'm downright obsessed by it. I swear I never was that excited about a movie, not even LotR. Hell, I never wanted to do Batman. Bruce Wayne, yes but Batman ? Never. The last posters changed everything. Now I'm having dirty thoughts about an overgrown bat o_o in latex XD

But the posters are so kickass ! ♥  It's like they want to kill the fans with too much awesome !

I already said I love the BatMobile (a.k.a The Tumbler). This motorcycle, I love too ♥ I do have an ineffable love for the new Batman vehicles XD

Remember in last post, I talked about the ' X days' tag and the possibility of a new trailer. To make it more understandable, I'll explain the whole thing. To promote the film, WB (*still getting warm and fuzzy*) is doing an awesome viral marketing campaign thar included a game online, The Dark Knight ARG. It's a bit complicated but to be brief, playing the game lead to this page, in which you could access the poster by cliking on the knife at the top. And there was the tag with X Days.

On April 28th, fans met in differents locations in America/Canada/Brazil/England to continue the game IRL. The reward of this game was a private showing of the new Theatrical Trailer. The lucky fellows >_<. And for one even more lucky participants to leave with a film reel *w*. Thanksfully, the trailer was quickly put on Youtube/other sites in a bootlegged version ^^

The Trailer (bootlegged version) if you're not patient enough to wait for the high-res quality whoch will be released on Sunday.

That trailer is freaking amazing *w* I watched it before going at
shin_kun's and I was dazed, floating on a nice cloud *_* THIS IS CRAZY !  I can't wait one month later than the US and the UK, it's not fair ! ç_ç

And I fangirl Alfred again *v*  When he's talking to Harvey Dent : 'You have no idea. *laughs*' XDDD And in the last scene : (with crappy transcripts)

Alfred : "Will you be [wanting??] the batpod (?), sir ?"
Bruce : "In the middle of the day, Alfred ? Not very subtle."
Alfred : "The Lamborghini then..."
[Frames of Bruce driving his lamborghini]
Alfred : "Much more subtle..."


But that is not all there's to say about The Dark Knight. Indeed, the film reel won by the fans were vandalised by none other than the Joker himself i.e Jokerised >D And this is where my title comes from. The 'edits' made by the Joker are bloody hilarious XD It makes me laugh so much XD Whoever did that had so much fun, I'm sure XD

Here are photographs of the Jokerised Version of London.

Here is the Jokerised Trailer (bootlegged) of Chigago and Dallas on Youtube.

(Oh, I'm good. I went to take my slice of the wedding anniversary of my parents cake in my fridge. There was three silver foil-covered plates. Three guesses. I found it on the third try ¬¬)

And one last thing : An International Banner (Huge) !

And that's it for the Dark Knight in this post~


Like I said, Tuesday I went to see shin_kun and we spent our time watching Christian Bale films. We're both obsessively focused XD It was so much fun like always XD I had not sleep during the night and neither had she. And I'm usually quite pissed when sleep-deprived. We watched the films, commenting, laughing and blablating all the time XD And it was not intelligent comments >_> Quite the contrary. (Apart for  3:10 to Yuma, in which some meta-ish comments were uttered, lost among violent slashy observation on Ben and the Bridal Suite, Dan the atrophied of emotions.)

Batman Begins : *W* We drooled a lot on Bruce Wayne. Mocked Batman. I did weird impersonification of Liam Neeson. Admired the BatMobile. And she loves Crane too *----* Teh pwetty and crazy doctor has success XD I only need to make her a Wayne/Crane shipper now >D *sniggers* We also had this nice discussion in which I invented the Summer Outfit of Batman : Latex Vest (wife-beater), later short and latex flip-flops with nice little black wings on the side (XDDDD J'adore la traduction de 'tongs').

3:10 to Yuma : I converted her to 3:10 to Yuma !!! Duh. I'm good. Or rather the film is. She's a Ben/Dan shipper now XD 0_0 I must not squee, I must not squee. >_< We spend the films commenting on the relationship between the two characters, seriously and not seriously. And I'm not alone on seeing what I've saw, it's bloody obvious, even without the slash ! That was so nice, being able to squee and talk about it with someone who has seen the whole thing *w* We had the same views on the end, quite the same analysis of the how and why. And I can't say more or I'm gonna reveal some spoilers.

It was quite helping for my meta. To be able to talk and confront my ideas is quite good. Talking about it, I'll certainly start to write it after my exams and before the PotC Meta Snark ;) I've already make some notes on key moments of the film.

I also want to do a 3:10 to Yuma layout *w* I love my Babylon 5 Layout but my love for Ben/Dan (friendship and slash) is inciting me to do one >__<... And I'm weak.

Equilibrium : BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD Whoa, we went a bit over the top here XD You know, watching something with me tend to twist things. We were really mean to Preston. But he's soooo stupid XD I mean, he's kickass when he fights but when it comes to having interactions with real individuals ? He fails so much XD He can't lie, he's stammerring, he's losing his composure. And he can't face his son.Yeah, his son is scaaaaary o_o but he can't even handle his own son XD He's doing things that should get him caught, he should already be dead XDD. He's really dumb. He's a cute idiot nonetheless and we do love him for that. We even created a new insult >_>

"... , you Preston ! "
"O_O... Now that was really harsh...ç_ç "

>__> Yes, we're Preston too XD

We should have watched American Psycho but since I only got a downloaded version and she's not as good as I am (without bragging) in English, we'll have to wait until my DVD arrives. (With Memoirs of Hadrian. The book, I ordered it, 

I took ages posting that short post 0_0. That's the fault of the TDK trailer >_>...Damn, I should be studying right now. I'll start tomorrow right. I can't really do a lot for Japanese but I have to try at least ;)

3:10 to yuma:meta, fandom:batman, fandom:equilibrium, 3:10 to yuma:ben/dan, 3:10 to yuma, fandom:the dark night, actors:christian bale

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