I must be cursed. Does the LJ Strike have to be on my birthday ? Of any day they could've chosen, they choose the 21th of March.
That's not fair. Really not fair.
Dunno about the strike in itself. The feeling is there, I can understand the righteous anger with SUP. I'm just not sure it will really work. I mean, obviously not everyone will do it and I
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Since 2004, things in LJ has been going worse and worse. Originally, SixApart (6A) owned LJ. They were not so good with the strikethrough '07 and what followed. At the end of the year, they sold LJ to a Russian Company SUP, which did not bode well for us, users. Recently, SUP has been doing changes without consulting the Advisory Board (especially created for it), like supressing the Basic Account for new users i.e only accound created before a certain date can go back to Basic Account. They also meddled with popular interests by removing 'porn', 'fanfiction', 'yaoi', 'boys', 'girls'...etc. A part of fandom got angry and decided to sort of 'blackmail' SUP by having a content strike on the 21th of March. SUP put back the interests but the strikers went on.
They now claimed there were a 13% decrease in a the posting but it seems like there is a drop down in posting every Good Friday.
Hope I was clear enough ;)
Y a coffret collector de la première saison sur Amazon UK ^^ (en promo en ce moment XD), il est peut être sur Amazon FR. Bah c'est sur que t'auras du mal à tout dl avec to débit, je pourrais te passer la première saison, si tu veux ^-^
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