Jan 12, 2008 18:01

Sometimes, you're obsessed with something, so obsessed you keep thinking at it while laughing crazily, so obsessed you dreamed about it almost everynight (Hornblower >_>)...

*points at title* See, I'm obsessed ! >000000< I'm obsessed with Primeval (pour les petits français, il s'agit de Nick Cutter et les portes du temps, qui est passé pendant les vacs >>). I got completely hooked on this serie, it's weird X3 It's a british serie (♥), quite short with only six eps for the first season and I love it *_*... I don't know why I love it that much though... I think the potential slash helps a lot *o*... And since it's the UK, it might be intented *_*... Just look at the end of the last ep, it screams TEH SLASH *_*... I've spend the whole week, reading Primeval slash between studying XD... You know how hard it is to concentrate after reading Porn ? >0<... It's impossible!hard >>...

And thanks god, you don't see me now, because I'm sniggering wildly just thinking of it XD And why ? Because Today, the second season is starting ♥ *excited* I can't wait, I hope someone will put it on the net >_<...

Trailer for the Season 1

Trailer for Season 2 : First & Second [People are really stupid, there's a flamewar in the comment BBC's Doctor Who & Torchwood vs ITV's Primeval o_O)

ETA : DDL of the first episode of the second season  here on 
primeval_itv(You need to join the community, it's flocked). *_* I've just finished watching it and OMG the slashiness *_* so good *_*

it'll be hard to wait one week for the next ep >0<


Lists of things I need to do in the next few weeks : o_o

- Post my icons (I keep postponing =_=... And making new ones...)
- Post about Battlestar Galactica (Archie *o*) and Discworld (The Hogfather XD)
- Post list of songs I usually listen on YouTube
- Make my essay/rant/meta about PotC
- Make the layout of my IJ
- Write reviews of books I've read 
- Searching for new books to add to my 'to read/buy' BOOK LIST (If you had suggestions, I'll take them XD)
- Post my Christmas Drabbles on BT
- Write the Dorian!Grindelwald fic and the character study (since I've got my book back)
- Write a rant about history and its subjectivity.
- Make a list of what I need to dl
- Go to see Sweeney Todd with 
- Redecorate and tidy up my room
- Rip my classical CDs


Now my exams.

Thursday, I was so tired after my last exam for the week x_X I was free until Monday but three sucessive day, it's quite exhausting. Especially since Thursday I had US History and one hour after, Japanese History. It's depressing D: You've just finished your exam and you know you have to do another just after D:

First, thanks to everyone who encouraged me ^^-^^ Thank you very much ♥

British Civilisation : I think I did well. There were three questions, we only needed to do two and I could have answered the three. I choose 'Parliamentary Monarchy' and 'The Industrial Revolution'. The only bad thing is that I did not have time to finish the IR.

Japanese History A : Not good. Not good. The bunch of dates did not stay in my mind as well the lesson. But I'm not surprised. Memorising a bunch of dates from 30000 BC to 1185 with little explications thrown in between is not the best way to learn and to remember history. I barely managed on the QCM and screwed up the other questions, I know I only got right a few of them >__>

American Civilisation (ETA : Yeah, they finally had a special session, I was not the only one to miss it. I love Charles V *_*) : Well, I did well on one question and not quite well on the other. The former was on the reasons of the War of Independence ♥ or the subject no one knows about. I wrote a lot about it and, hell I even stop myself from too much explanations or I would have never had time to do another question. But I'm curious now and I would love you if you answer these questions ♥. Without searching for informations [no cheating è_é], just by what you have learned at school/personnally, I would like to know : What do you know about the War ? What led to the War of Independence ? Why did it happen ? What was the reason of the Declaration of Independence [*gags*] ? What was at stake ? How did it end ?

Japanse History B (The one I thought I would totally screw up) : It was a miracle. There's no open questions. It was only a QCM. 80 questions, quickly answered. I did not know everything but I think I managed to save myself XD But during the all exam, I had this song in my head XDD It's an amazing btw, but it's quite disconcerting when you're trying to think about japanese history XD


*totally drowned into the Nutcracker*

fac:exam, rl:fac, rl:to do list, fac:american civilisation, us civilisation : war of independence, fac:british civilisation, primeval, fac:llce

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