It's a miracle I'm actually managing to type. I don't know why but my arm - my elbow more precisely - is hurting so much. I can barely lift or bend my arm :\ Besides, I'm awfully tired, sick and a bit depressed on the side...
But I'll try to post anyway. Beware of whining and squeeing in the same post XD
~ I'm going to name my computer. I know that sounds kind of stupid but after yesterday, I'm so going to make it mine, whatever my father says. It's MY bloody computer, I'm the only one to use, 90% of the space is mine. Moreover, I'm the only one who can practically use a computer in this freakin' ass.
To be brief in my explanation, my father loves being new and shiny things for computers, ven if he does not use them and I DON'T ask for anything. I'm perfectly fine with what I have, thank you. In the past months, he bought an external harddrive, an external engraver... These one brought no problems.
Then, he decided to take the Livebox. God, it was a litteral battle to manage to install it in our four computers. It worked on the two newer one but would not work on the older. During two days, life at home was unbearable, my father was furious, shouting and whining. A living Hell. But in the end, it worked for the four.
I would(ve thought it would stop here. But I was so wrong ! Oh, promotions on CDiscount, let's buy a printer ! Oh, they're late, they give us a five euros remise, let's buy a new flat screen ! And that was a the thing I wish he would have never bought. Even if all is well now.
The screen arrived on Friday. My father could not wait to install it, just before the weekend, it was the best idea EVAR ! He installed it and...
He made my computer sorta freezes/crashes... We could not turn it on. He would not be turned on ! Nothing, no current at all. I started panicking and I was pissed. I had 35 GB of files on my hardrive, who could have been lost, because of a fucking flat screen I never wanted in the first place...!
Thanksfully, I thought a second and remember that my old pc did that little thing to me a certain time ago. It was only the power supply. My father had to bring it to some computer engineers in my town to see if it was it. I was seriously scared that they would erase my harddrive and I don't know what I would have done it that would have been the case...
Fortunately, it was the power supply and my dearest computer came back to me today... Yesterday @_@... In one piece, with my hardrive intact, it was even faster than before *_*...
But the point is I could have lost everything, I'm becoming protective of him XD I'm thinking of naming him/it Ianto [Torchwood is ♥] XD
~ Don't you hate when you spend quite a good amount of time doing something and someone just destroy your work carelessly when you're not watching ?
I hate that. I bloody hate that. Last night, since I was quite pissed about the whole pc business, I did not want to go to sleep and brood. I stayed on the computer quite late and I made a list of books and authors I'd like to read or to know more about to see if it would interest me. I switched between list and books discussions, checking on wikipedia, making two separate lists. I spend at least three hours on it. In the morning, I was having a headache, I started drifting and I decided to go sleep for a while. I put my torrents on, let Word open and put a note for my mother about the torrents. I did not think I could sleep so I did not save the lists. I assumed too that my mother would save the doc if she closed Word.
She did not. She save the other doc I was working on (which I had only modified a bit) but did not save the lists. How hard is it to say yes to Word's bloody question when you close a document ? How hard is it to understand that maybe someone would want it saved if it was let on ?
Three hours. Three hours turned into nothing. Of course, I can do it again and faster since I've already have all the Wikipedia links. But it's like I've lost three bloody hours for nothing. And I've still got books to search about.
Once more, how hard is it to save a Word doc, I wonder...
~ Remember I told you I got a mediator of Die in Diru's live in Paris. Today, I did photos XD And I took photos of it (and of Karyu's).
Here you go XD
~ Wednesday, while fighting in the transit, I managed to go to the biggest english bookshop in Paris to fetch a book about Horny XD, the Young Hornblower Omnibus. I missed it when I came the first time because I completely missed the historical fiction shelves >_>... But they were hidden... Just at the entrance...u_u... I could have had this book for a month...*weeps*... Anyway, they kept it for me and I got it *_*... It was a bit expensive (it's not a paperback like in France, but it's not a hardcover either~) but I'm glad I did not order from Amazon. If I had ordered it from Amazon, I would've had the Movie Cover book... I got the original illustratred book *_* ♥♥♥ And I find it beautiful ♥
Cover Detail
~ Et non, je ne parlerais pas des grèves... Parce que... blaaaah >_>...
PS : Je viens juste de voir une émission (Ca va se savoir sur NT1 pour ceux qui connaitraient) et y a un mec dans le publiw qui dit "On tolère les homosexuels"... Tolère ? o_O ... Comme dans 'Ils ont besoin de la permission des hétéros pour exister'...Je crois que je déteste de plus en plus l'utilisation du mot tolérance dans ce genre de contexte. Like we need permissions to be gay... -___-'''
PPS : Damn, I need a Torchwood Icon >< A Slashy one !