Mar 29, 2007 20:36
holy crapamoiles! It's been quite a while I must say.
Life is okay. Just okay. but okay. Okay.
I have these wierd allergies and I wheeze when I breathe out...?? So I blame my lack of sleep on that, and not because I've been falling asleep half drunk for the past couple of days. Blame THAT on my friend who used to work for a winery with her 9 cases of wine she must rid of before moving to Espana in a few months. AND, she doesn't like wine. Only beer. Specifically, Radlers. Oh, such a hard life, being the helper friend!!
What else, what else, nothing much--oh, I won 1st place for my poster at a conference!! And I won $$!!Yay for being artistically okay but not scientifically okay? but it totally made up for my crap ass data, so I don't mind. hah. Now I have to haul ass though becuase the "big" guys aka USGS heads and funder people want to meet for the first time and want results....but where are they I say, SINCE YOU HAVEN'T FUNDED US YET, ARSES. Yes, it's been a year and a half and our funding STILL hasn't come in. Yay for buearcracy. Damn governmental organizations.
How's everyone feel about Mr. Barack Obama? I think he's rad, but then again I'm still not too informed, so if anyone has other thoughts, let me know. Preferrably before Election day 2008.
I'm so blowing this joint (aka moving out). Two of my housemates who are married drive me NUTS. It's gotten to the point that I use the "C" word freely in place of the conniving little shit of a wife's name. That's BAD. Two years of this will drive anyone insane.