Sep 18, 2006 20:27
Okay, so I'm supposed to be over my period, but I'm in a funk mood. Let's top my mood with these events.
We're having a housewarming party this Friday (any of you local livejournal folks are welcome to attend--even those across the globe! hah). My other girl housemate who is married was sooo excited about it and then today she emails me with "oh, actually, I'm not going to be there, I'm helping my mom back home." Fine, not that big of a deal, although it's a housewarming meaning hello, everyone is supposed to host it. And we were supposed to get a keg and split but how convinient, she isn't going to participate. Whaver.
They get a fucking cat and don't tell any of us. What makes the situation better is that I've found that I'm a bit allergic to them (okay, FUCKING allergic to them) from living with the two that were here while the former tenants were staying with us. Not only that, these fuckers said they weren't getting a cat. What do they do? They go for a little trip up to their mommy and daddy and come back with one!! double u t F????????
I'm livid. I'm in my lab in hopes that they will be asleep by the time I get back because I'm so pissed I know I'll say something really fucking mean and regret it. THey can fucking pay for my allergy pills. AGH! I need to sympathise, they are a bit socially retarted, but dude, there's a line and they kinda just crossed with their inability to communicate. They have my cell phone and email. They have ALL of our cell phone numbers and emails. And the husband has the audacity to ask me (through email, ofcourse) if I have the internet hooked up. FUCK YOU. I'm busy in the fucking lab while you went on vacation and got a fucking pussy. Why don't you try mustering up the balls to actually speak to me in person about things?? HUH???