Apr 26, 2006 00:25
Went and heard Vandana Shiva, an awesome, AWESOME lady from India promoting sustainable living. Man, I'm so pumped!! I'm joining the Student Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture. Meetings Tues. at 7:30, MU 43. Be there or be SQUARE. Ha. So no one from UCD is my livejournal friend, but it's okay!!!
I've been so horrible about tuning in on global issues lately. I was listening to NPR yesterday and I started crying whilst listening to the AIDS epidemic in Myanmar. Oh man. Oppression (sp) hits a whole new level in that country.
All these devastating things are happening around me and all I've been doing is whining about my two papers that I need topics, outlines, and references for by tomorrow (that I just started on today). I mean, boo hoo, me. My problems are so insignificant and light.
Just to vent some more...I have been feeling so incompetant as a graduate student as of late. I'm taking this Soil Microbiology course (I've whined about it on lj), which is a grad course and man. Everyone is so intelligent in there. They so love what they are doing and they are so knowledgeable. Not "I want to kiss the prof's ass because I want an A" knowledgeable. They've already passed the weeding out stage by getting into Grad school. No, they are just rich in information and wanting to share it to enhance their fellow classmates' well of knowledge. Ugh. And there's me. I'm so immature, ignorent, and dependant.
Even the folks who don't know microbiology (like me) are super smart. They read the same papers as me but are able to bring in outside experiences and relate it to the context of the paper. How do they DO THAT?? eeek. I'm so bogged down just trying to figure out the methods and understanding what the hell the paper is about, I don't have the capacity of relating it to the global picture.
Way off, but I quit Ultimate. I couldn't handle the emotional struggles I was having. It stopped being fun. People were taking the sport way to seriously. It was just a week to Regionals, too. I actually dropped out a week before Regionals just to prove a point. My friend Mac and I quit at the same time (but on our own)Soooo much drama. Man oh man. But I was crying at every tourney and after every practice for the past couple weeks. I love Ultimate, but not the club team here on campus.
I think I'm done now.