Nov 30, 2006 11:18
Been a little longer than usual since I've updated, so I'll start back a bit earlier.
Thanksgiving was overall awesome, despite the stuff that had been going on that week. My brothers came over and we all chilled and had a good time. Molly (that would be brother Todd's gf) also came over along with her sister...personally, I didn't approve of that myself...Neither are in are immediate family (yet), and I personally feel that Thanksgiving and Christmas should be a bit more family (or REALLY close friends) oriented. But they were nice and they baked three pies for us (even though we only touched the Apple and Pumpkin...Black Berry? Blech. Honestly) which was a load off of my Ma. Besides, I could also just still be a tad unnerved by the way Molly was when she was living with us.
Anyway, I showed bro Matt FF III on my DS, and Todd showed us some really cool flash cartoons he had discovered on the web. Matt, bro Greg and I chilled in the hot tub for a little bit, then we went inside, and I watched as Jake Plumber screwed up another football game for the Broncos with bro Ian, Joe and Ma.
So, overall, Thanksgiving was great. It was also the one day I didn't have to do anything and the one day I actually got to sleep in.
Friday wasn't too bad. The highlight being that I got a Wii. I had explained the problem I had been having with Ma and Joe, and that Gamestop, being the dirt bags they are (or at least the one I delt with) kept lying and pulling me along with false promises. Well, fortunatly, Joe called Game Stop's corporate, and we even spoke with the President, who finally managed to wrangle aside for me a Wii up at the one inf Fort Collins.
Now, grant you, it was more or less reserved, so I didn't technically have to get up early. But I didn't want to take any chances. And it was a good thing I didn't. I got there and there were already 15 or so people ahead of me (all of which got a wii fortunatly) and a whole lot more piling up behind me (none of which did...I technically got the last one). And until 4, when I had to go to work, I enjoyed the entire day, exhausted, but having a ball with Wii Sports, Twilight Princess, and a few games I downloaded off the Virtual Console (namely Bomberman 93 and Sonic the Hedgehog).
Anyway...the weekend wasn't too eventful. Lots of working, and cold, and playing of the Wii or FF III in my free time.
In all honesty, everything was going great and being its usual self until yesterday. Tuesday night, we got snow. A LOT. I was pretty used to snow by now, but on top of that we had ice. And I quickly discovered driving on ice with my car SUCKS.
For starters, I nearly went into a skid at least three or so times...and that was on the way to the King Soopers down the block. In addition, my brakes would simply lock up, and to get them to do anything I would have to pump them.
But, fortunatly, despite all these, I'm a good enough driver that that really wasn't an issue.
...Again, until yesterday.
I was on ym way to school. In fact, I was just about there. But I was going down hill, and the woman a bit ahead of me stopped. So, I hit the breaks (most of the roads I had traveled on had been paved, plus I was going pretty slow and THOUGHT I had enough distance, so I didn't think it would be a problem). But they locked up. So, I pumped them.
...No good.
And I plowed right into the poor woman ahead of me.
Fortunatly, she was really REALLY nice (hey, she even knows my brother Todd) and her car didn't seem to get too much damage (it seems I knocked off the muffler). UNFORTUNATLY, ONCE AGAIN, my front end crumpled to shit. The officer showed up, and once he assesed the situation, I got a ticket for driving too fast under the conditions. Which is HORSE SHIT, but I'm going to argue it when I show up on my day in court (especially since the woman herself admitted had the situation been reversed, she probably would have hit me too).
But, even if I manage to win that battle, there's still the issue of paying for the damages, which will be $500. On top of that, I have another $500 issue that needs to be taken care of before hand, which would be my head gasket. SO, that's $1000. On top of that, I may need to have my brakes looked at.
ANNNND there's Christmas shopping to still be done.
So, this brings me to my point.
Dan, Yvonne, Hueber, anyone else who I don't feel like listing...I'm really REALLY sorry, but I just can't afford to get you guys Christmas gifts this year. Or at least not right now. Not with the money I make. In addition to that, I probably won't be coming down to AZ this year either.
I don't imagine anyone besides Yvonne is too dissapointed by that, but still, I thought I would mention it.
This year, I just...I just don't have the finances.
So, anyway, today's been going far. I'm still pretty steamed about the whole thing, but there's nothing I can do now. I'm sticking to main roads, which get more traffic and are probably just better plowed, and I'm just praying that this doesn't happen again.
At least I can say all my hw for this week is done. And even some of next weeks.
Well, I'm meeting Trent from my Bible Study in about 40 minutes here, so I'm just gonna wish you all the best.