Tomorrow´s surprise event: Yuma not alone ....

Jan 09, 2012 11:43

Tomorrow at Yuma´s surprise event, ABC-Z and Noon Boyz will be guests....  O_O

Sorry, but I´m really upset !   What´s with this ??!!
I loved the event on the 6th because it was a wonderful and intimate event just between Yuma and his fans only !!!
Yuma enjoyed it, the fans were enjoying it.. it was the event I always dreamed about.  Just Yuma and his fans, it was so perfect T__T
Yuma seemed to be a very great entertainer and was holding the event very good by himself only.
Johnny-san came to visit on the 6th and he must have seen the home-like atmosphere, how everyone enjoyed it, that Yuma is able to entertain people just by himself....
Johnny, WHY??!!!      He´s only interested in making more CDs getting sold , that´s it I think ,  but how does Yuma feel about it????
I don´t want him to feel that he wasn´t successing in holding the event alone, or that he wasn´t able to gather lots of fans     >_<
Johnny-san, I hate you for this !

Those fans on the 6th were so lucky, they just had Yuma for themselves.   I really don´t like the news that guests will support Yuma.   It´s nothing against Ebi or Noon Boyz but since they come, it´s not a "Nakayama Yuma" surprise event anymore for me.
I´m sure the following events, some guests will get invited again --_--


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