This is actually the first I had to scan my own magazine... and let me just say, my scanner is fairly crap because it literally was the cheapest printer/scanner you can find in that shopping center~~ XD
So the quality won't be as awesome as you get from other place but at least they're tolerable (to me anyway =w=)
If you're simply after a specific individual, simply click on the image itself to enlarge it~ all images are 200 dpi~ Enjoy~♫
LOOK at STAR! winter 2012
Shinshun Takizawa Kakumei 2012 previews
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File size: 11MB
Endless SHOCK previews
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File Size: 5MB
A.B.C-Z previews
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File Size: 3MB
And that is all from me... as for the scanlations~~ next Monday the latest ^^"l)