[Anime - Calendar] Kateikyoshi Hitman Reborn 2011

Jan 06, 2011 11:10

Okay, so for the first time I'm going to blab about non-Johnny's related stuff (which is why I'm LJ-Cutting this one)....Anime! So if you're not an anime fan, or if you don't know KHR~ Just ignore this post altogether ^o^

Yes, even at the age of 18, I'm still a HUGE fan of anime and manga. Maybe because I still have the mind of a child and I find some of the anime boy hot. I have plenty of anime merchandises including posters, mini figures, key rings and of course... Plushies!  So lately I've been super excited about the release of Hitman Reborn calendar. Even though for now there won't be any anime released because it's catching up to the manga too quickly, there is no way that the merchandise will pause~ Of course not! I have successfully downloaded the 4 different versions released so I'm going to rant about each version (the scans of the magazine are all over the net for download, just google it!)

Version A
 January & FebruaryMarch & AprilMay & June

July & AugustSeptember & OctoberNovember & December

I reckon people would probably buy this for the picture instead for the calendar... the dates are so puny! Obviously if one plan to write events/birthday reminders on the calendar it would be completely impossible~ This is more or less something to be admire at or to decorate your plain white wall. This whole calendar is based on the lastest arc of the anime of course~ future arc. Oh Mukuro & Xanxus are just unbelievably charming here ♥w♥

Version B
 January & FebruaryMarch & AprilMay & June

July & AugustSeptember & OctoberNovember & December

So another one for decoration~ If I am to buy one (which I probably will), I'll take it apart and stick it all over my wall as posters instead of using it as a calendar... the dates are just too tiny! Anyway, that aside~ so this one is simply all members of the X Vongola family with members of Primo's family. Of course there has to be at least 80% of resemblance between the members with the same element~ in both appearance, strength and personality. For example, Giotto is basically a blonder and hotter version of hyper-Tsuna xD I gotta tell you though, I just can't choose between G. and Gokudera >"<

Desktop version
It's got Chibi characters~~~~!!! Anyway, this version if my favorite out of all of them; it's actually got date boxes for you to write stuff in, all the main character's birthday are included, it's in monthly format so more pages and I can edit the scans to use them as laptop wallpapers ♥ So I'm going to comment on every single page for this one, simply because they're all so cute/hot/epic/awesome!


I find it very clever that the author can fit so many things based on the number 7. So 7 members in a family, 7 different elements that matches perfectly with their personality and all assigned to one color of the rainbow that fits with their element! Which reminds me, why isn't Lambo on the cover? To silly looking perhaps?

Of course most major thing during January is New Year! 2011 is the Chinese Zodiac year of rabbits, Reborn looks super cute in that little bunny costume (^w^)
I really love each of the words that has been written on the board-thing they're holding:
Tsuna - smooth/calm
Gokudera - Right hand man (not surprised xD)
Yamamoto - Baseball (as expected)
Ryohei - EXTREME
Hibari - Discipline
Dino - some Italian? (I must say, that future Dino hair style annoys me!)
Lambo - random scribble...
Mukuro is not in here, because we all know in reality~ Mukuro would never mingle with these "idiots"

FEBRUARYWhen we think February, we think Valentine's Day! So like last year's desktop calendar(if anyone has seen it), February is an all girl character only page. Chibi version is definitely very cute though, especially the shy Chrome standing in the corner. I bet that chocolate she's holding is for Mukuro-sama =P

MARCHFuture Xanxus & Squalo~~! BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST paring ever~~!! I'll be honest~ this page made me screamed like a little fan girl. Don't both of them just look so f**king hot? And their hair-styles are just... Per~fect~! Squa-chan's hair looks so silky and Xanxus' hair is so much better than the super spiked up style from Ring Conflict arc. Gotta love the Varia family, bad guys are always the most sexiest ones ♥

APRILNow the style of this looks too similar to last year's desktop version. Yamamoto's color is of course Blue~ and his awesome sword! I was quite thrilled to find Lussuria's birthday on there too xD sorry I haven't got much to say for this month, I really don't know much about this yakyu-baka! =P

MAYPurple is for cloud~cloud is for Hibari - The president of Discipline Committee!!! I was hoping to see Roll as it is instead of the handcuff~~ but now that the handcuff is there... please cuff me up, Hibari-san~♫  So sadly we won't be seeing any of the cuddly box animals, just their combio forma D= All the animals are in version A... I forgot to mention how gorgeous Uri looked on the cover (>w<)

JUNEWe're half way through, bear with me! Future Mukuro, oh his is so charmingly hot with long hair. Although the pineapple-inspired hair style never changes~ xD
I really love his future outfit compared to the Kokuyo uniform... mature man he has become! But that evil smile stayed~ the classic Mukuro evil laugh as well~Kufufufufufu.....

JULYI would really like to know your reaction when you first saw this, mine was>> OMG OMG FRANNNNNN OMG OMG!!!! Although I wasn't completely happy about dear Mammon being replaced, he had such a cute voice~ but I felt much better when the replacement was a super awesome/hilarious Fran with the most epic box weapon ever. and Bel, I have a mini figure key ring of him like the one on the calendar~ I do prefer his short hair better though x]

AUGUSTThis is exactky how I imagine a holiday of the future Varia family would be like~very typical! 
Xanxus sitting back and chilling, couldn't care less for anything
Levi attending to Boss 24/7
Bel bulling poor Frank
Squalo the shark catches.... a Tuna?
Lussuria admiring the lovely beach~~
Such a disfunctional yet awesome mafia family!

SEPTEMBERYay~~ Finally onto my favorite character's page... guess what I just realized? Ryohei & Lambo doesn't have individual pages in this version of the calendar! If you ask me why? I can only say... probably because they don't have unhuman-like fighting skills like the others =w=. Gokudear-kun kakkoi~~~He looks sooooo cooool with Uri's combio forma~G-archery! Although I've only seen him use it once, it's a moment I'll never forget, a very powerful weapon indeed. I also squealed when I first saw this, he's too irresistable >w<

OCTOBEROut of all the birthday in October~ Xanxus has got the best of the best. Which convinces me more and more than he should really be the 10th boss. His name has 2 Xs (Roman numberal for 10) and his birthday is on the 10 of the 10~ How many more tens do you want to be able tell that he's meant to be with the number TEN! 
Hyper Tsuna and Reborn (and Leon) plus Natsu's Combio Forma: Modo Difesa (I'm getting good with Italian here xD). Another very cool looking page to look forward to on my laptop screen ^o^

NOVEMBERPrimo~! Primo primo primo!!! Don't even bother asking me why I love him more than Tsuna~because that's a very stupid question. He gives off this aura of calmness~ much like the harmony factor of the element 'sky'! Oh, and I definitely love his fair blonde hair (>//////////<)

DECEMBERThat would be Christmas of course, although these days the true meaning of Jesus' birthday has been lost~ no one really cares anymore. So for this great season we have the small 'mutated' family that we truly missed: Kokuyo gang. I'm surprised that they didn't put the future ones in there... maybe because Ken & Chikusa barely changed in the future. And we're seeing another chibi Chrome here, she's so cute~no wonder everyone want to rape her xD

Okies, so that concludes my major picspam session~~ There probably won't be another for a while because it's too time consuming =.=
Yuma's birthday is coming up in a couple of days.... busy making graphics for the celebration!!!

anime, calendar

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