Maybe I should have posted this before I posted the new year message....
sorry, my brain isn't exactly functioning at the moment, half brain dead due to staying up late~which is something that I don't usually do.
Anyway~~ The video is in VERY GOOD quality~~ 1920x1080! HD!
So it might take a while to download for those who have crappy internet like me. And also, the full program links are at the bottom~So help yourself ^^
Download [
File type: mp4
File Size: 80 MB
If you internet is good... and you don't mind the medium crap quality, you can watch the full program of Johnny's Tozai Uta Gassen
Oh, and don't forget to go check out the New Year video messages on Johnny's website, Yuma has been put under Nakayama Yuma & Kansai Jr! So there's no NYC this time, but hey! Yuma seems much more lively when he's with his Kansai mates =D