First Day: No Eyecandy at all!!

Jun 13, 2008 05:25

my first day of classes started yesterday. i had to wake up really early coz i had to bring
anirok to school. GAWD~~~ a rough estimate of how long i was on the road was an hour or more but considering that there wasnt too much traffic, it still took a long time. Good thing i had great songs to listen to or else the drive from the house to STC and back to Talamban Campus would have been grueling. I arrived in school 7:40AM and i had been driving since 6:15AM. You do the math. My brain seems to be on vacation right now. Not surprisingly, i didnt get late for class. DUH! who would want to start the first day on time! I think they would give students a time allowance since summer had just ended; Just an afterthought, Even clinical instructors give themselves time allowances, right? My first subject turned out to be Psychiatric Nursing. WoW! what a way to start the day. Not to mention, my teacher for this subject is really observant and perceptive! Even the most minute movement, she can make an interpretation of that. GAAAAA ! i'm supposed to deal with that every morning!! HOLY!!! after this class, i skipped all the classes for the day. hahahahh what a way to start the semester. But then, the teachers havent been coming to class yet so i guess it was okay. Guess what!? not even a one new student was hot!! gaaaaaaaaaaaa!! T____T

it's 5:30AM now. another new day of school. i'm still sooooo sleepy. Have to keep this short. I still have to take a shower. waaaa!!

early mornings, first day

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