my hell is over and the rewards that i've received are way awsome!!

May 14, 2008 01:20

oh yeah! oh yeah! *does crazy dance* my immersion is finally over!! wahaha i came back from Sogod last Monday and i'm soooooo relieved that my immersion is finally over. but i would miss those hospitable and kind people living there. after everything, i realized that immersion wasnt so bad if you were with people that you liked. i made new friends and i noticed that the bonds between our classmates that werent so strong before have become stronger now. the last week of immersion wasnt so bad. it wasnt as hot as the first two weeks and most of the time we were indoors. on the last night of our immersion, one of our classmates had her birthday celebration and bought us heaps of food. she had a super duper huge roasted pig, rice noodles, pork steak, menudo, and dinuguan. our clinical instructors bought us cases of softdrinks and a  big bowl of buko pandan. after that, we had a mini disco inside the house coz one of our classmates brought a mini discoball then we played house music, r&b, and OPM songs. we had sooooo much fun.

my schedule after immersion is duty time in the home for the dying and the destitute. i'll have 8 days of duty and after that, i'm done with summer classes! wahooo!! i've got 7 more days left and i'm free!! hopefully i'll get through this activity too.

besides being happy that immersion is over, i'm in high spirits coz my dad and mom gave me really awsome presents as a reward for being able to survive for 3 weeks. i'm really grateful for having them as my parents. XD i missed them lots when i was away and i'm glad that i'm back with them. weeeeeeeeeeee!!

7 more days til my SUMMER TIME!!! hahahahahahha

laptop, summer time, immersion is finally over

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