Mar 08, 2009 08:45
Did I miss the boat when livejournals turned into something you're supposed to act cool in?
I have been playing phantom of the opera on my ion as a chord/scale/sheet music reading experience. I don't care what you say David, this keyboard is fucking brilliant.
Went and saw Fujiya & Miyagi with Markella. Ooo there was DANCING. A dance pit even! I carried her piggy-back around Capitol Hill to warm myself up. It worked.
A little while back I went to a suspension and took peektures. I'll post them as soon as I get the camera back.
There are new developments in my lurve life. The girl who I've been essentially chasing since Jr High broke up with her evil pain in the ass boyfriend. But to prevent possible rebound angst, I'm going to stick to the friends zone until she can put some distance between her old relationship.
Alls I know is I'm headed down there on Thursday and she's talking all cutesy-face with me. Resist the cutesy, self, 'cause you know that fades when the rebound is over :P
Caught Watchmen on Friday at 9am with a bunch of fanboys. It was delightful. But I'm not sure if people can follow the plot without having read the graphic novel. Still, I enjoyed it and would definitely watch it again. And I'm NOT a fan of most 3 hour films.
I'm off to go play with Hal!