Spring Layout

Mar 27, 2010 01:08

Since spring is already here, I decided to change my layout to suit the season better (have the habit of changing layout every season). Made the header and changed the color codes only, which took around 1 hour. The longest was of course changing the color codes, since I had to make sure I didn't overlook anything, saving and refreshing the page every now and then.

I like to use fitting quotes in my headers/signatures. The one I'm using now, I've used last year as well in my other blog (which I haven't updated for almost a year ^^).

Well, let me know if the colors are balanced enough and the text is easily readable. I already changed the text color though, as the 1st choice was too light...

But all in all, I'm quite satisfied with the results xD

And by the way, while I was photoshopping, I took some time to start editing some pictures from my Egypt trip. I'll continue tomorrow and post them here =)

photoshop, layout

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