Another day of life ;)

May 02, 2012 22:00

I think i still have a long distance relationship syndrom;) notwithtanding that we are in one city now and even in one apartment i feel VERY very sad every time Nigito has to go to a business trip. Stupid yeh?;) but! When he is back it's 200% happiness. Simultaniously i get so excited and feel like i love the whole planet while being taken over by some unbelievable calmness and relaxed enjoyment .... It's so nice to feel that we have one home in one city in this big world for both of us;) today he is back home from Miami!

My week tuned up to be pretty damn hard... Yesterday got back home two hours later than usual today it's four hours later... I have to fix this!;)
Here is me going to work pretty late vs my normal schedule at 6.30 am and coming back at 8 pm...

To make the day happier i remembered that i still haven't posted my shopping victims from Miami!!!

Here they are:

The flats color is amazing! i can not stop admiring!!!! They make me smile;)))

To finish on a happy note here are more of my weekend and spring colors;)

It's Thursday tomorrow!!! YEY!!!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

shopping, day by day

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