Checking in: letters, betas, progress, etc

Nov 07, 2018 10:41

Assignments have now been out for 2 weeks. We hope yours is pleasing to you!

If you linked to a Dear Yuletide Author letter in your sign-up, check that your letter is accessible and complete. It's easy to post something with prompts filled in for half the fandoms and forget it isn't your final draft. It's easy to post something and forget that your journal's settings are friends-locked by default. And it's easy to post a link to an empty post and then have life take over.

If your letter is blank, we recommend updating it now with a note like, "This will not be updated further. Write something that makes you happy."

A register of beta-reading volunteers can be found at kate_nepveu's post here. Please consider volunteering as a beta if you are willing to check a story for any of: canon details; spelling and grammar; plot, consistency, tone, pacing, characterization; etc. Volunteers who can check facts about an area of their expertise, or help brainstorm story ideas, are also welcome!

You can also find a beta or a brainstorming partner in the Yuletide Discord. To avoid giving away what you're writing, send a direct message to someone with the Hippo role (bright pink; listed under Hippos in the sidebar; or has Hippo in front of their name), and tell them what you need.

How's it going?
Does your assignment look daunting? Delightful? Different? Do-able?

Please contact mods by email ( if you have a problem or difficulty - we're here to help.

Otherwise, we hope you're having fun!

Feel free to (vaguely; don't identify your fandom or badmouth your recipient) comment on your progress, or if you have a writing tip for other participants, share it in the comments.

See previous post for instructions on posting your fic.

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