There are 65 pinch hitters still working on assignments: go team! We are so close to reveals, and they will be glorious. We may still send a few more pinch hits - please
consider pinch hitting, if you have not already, and help us spread the load around!
Some pinch hitters did not sign up to Yuletide, but have submitted prompts:
Prompts on DW Prompts on LJ These prompts are also collected, along with all other Yuletide 2017 prompts, in an
app that you can open in your browser.
The Yuletide 2017 collection is open for posting treats and pinch hits until 9am UTC 25 December.
When's that? Countdown The Yuletide Madness 2017 collection is open for posting treats until 9am UTC 26 December.
When's that?Countdown If you're not sure how to post a treat, or to which collection, please see instructions on
Dreamwidth and
LiveJournal, and ask the mods if you have further questions!
Tidy Up Your Fic
There are many stories in the archive with such labels as "PLEASE DON'T EAT MY FIC, ARCHIVE BUG" and "i need an actual title". There are many "tba" summaries. Please update these works promptly to ensure that your recipient receives a story that is ready for them to read.
We encourage all writers to check their stories over once uploaded, to catch any final spelling or punctuation errors.
The Reveals Bug
Is still active. Happily, you can avoid your work suddenly revealing when you post it. To do this, save your work as a draft that includes the yuletide2017 or yuletidemadness2017 collection, wait 10+ minutes (or nudge a mod) for us to approve it, and then fully post the same work. If you'd like further instructions on how to do this, please ask.