Last Call for Tag Set Corrections

Sep 30, 2016 10:01

The 2016 tag set is here.

Please report any further problems or challenges before 9pm UTC 30 September (When is this for me?), and also please help us with the following questions. ETA - Please also check the bottom of the post for additional points.

Don Carlos - Friedrich Schiller & Don Carlos | Don Carlo - Verdi/du Locle/Méry

We will assume that the Verdí nominator is happy with 0 characters unless we hear otherwise.
We are re-naming the Schiller characters as follows:
Philipp der Zweite, König von Spanien | Philip The Fair, King of Spain (Schiller)
Königin Elisabeth, Prinzessin von Frankreich | Queen Elizabeth, Princess of France (Schiller)
Don Karlos, der Kronprinz | Don Carlos, the Crown Prince (Schiller)
Don Rodrigo, Marquis von Posa | Don Rodrigo, Marquis of Posa (Schiller)
Please let us know if you have any objections.

The Inheritance Trilogy - N. K. Jemisin

Thank you for identifying which Shahar Arameri you meant. However, we have not yet established a label for her. If we do not hear further we will call her Shahar Arameri (Present-day) or similar.

Kansas City Royals RPF & Baseball RPF

It has been pointed out that most baseball celebrities have been nominated under Baseball RPF, with a sole team split out. Would the nominator, or others, like them combined? If we don’t hear back from the nominator we will leave it as is merge.

Midnighter Comics

Midnighter Comics is nominated with characters Apollo, Dick Grayson, The Gardener, Henry Bendix, Midnighter.
Because all of these characters do not appear in the WildStorm comics, it is not clear if one or both nominators meant the DC comics. If we do not hear back from the nominators about which run they meant, we will merge this with the New 52 tag.

Myst (Series)

It’s been pointed out that the character “Zandi” could mean more than one person. Could the nominator please confirm if they mean Elias Zandi, Jeff Zandi, or someone else? If we don’t hear back from the nominator, we will change this to Elias Zandi.

Terminator (Movies)

Our current plan is to separate the Terminator nominations as follows:
  • Terminator Genisys (2015): Pops (Terminator Genisys), John Connor, Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor
  • Terminator (Movies 1984-2009): Enrique Salceda, John Connor, Kate Brewster, Sarah Connor, Kyle Reese (Salvation), Marcus Wright
Please comment if you have an opinion on this.


After consideration, we are rejecting Pride and Prejudice (1995) for being too close to an ineligible fandom. We are also rejecting How It Should Have Ended (Web Series) as a fanwork/crossover fandom without evidence.

Missed corrections

We are almost up to date on character and fandom name corrections, so if you brought something up previously and we don't seem to have done it, please feel free to mention it on this post. We'd rather be reminded of something we were already planning to do than to neglect to do something because it slipped through the cracks and you were too polite to remind us.

Thank you for all your comments! This is most definitely a collaborative work. Sign-ups are on track to open by noon/12pm UTC on 1 October.

tag set review, 2016

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