Noms Query Post 4

Sep 23, 2016 14:22

We're coming to the end of tagmodding. We only have 67 nominations left to sort.

Please reply to the questions in this post by 14:00 UTC on Saturday the 24rd (What time is that for me?), as we would like to have everything sorted before making the tagset visible.

We need help with the following fandoms and characters:

nom review

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Comments 42

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Re: Show By Rock!! jenn_calaelen September 23 2016, 13:42:09 UTC
Thank you!


tawnykit September 23 2016, 13:39:10 UTC

Not the nominator, but there are definitely no characters in Life named Matt. Couple of Marks and a Mickey, but none of those are a Flannery. I can't think who they could mean.


jenn_calaelen September 23 2016, 13:41:07 UTC
Thank you! That is helpful if we don't hear back from the nominator. I think unless they reply it is going to have to be a rejected character.


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jenn_calaelen September 23 2016, 13:46:31 UTC
Thank you for clarifying!


tawnykit September 23 2016, 15:17:31 UTC

Correct me if I'm wrong, mods, but I believe crossovers can be written (and requested in letters). Just not in the tagsets.


morbane September 23 2016, 20:37:51 UTC
Yes, they can, though they would be an optional detail in a prompt which a writer is by no means obliged to follow.


ylla September 23 2016, 13:48:34 UTC
I think you mean the 24th :)


jenn_calaelen September 23 2016, 13:49:23 UTC
Yes, indeed! Thank you for pointing that out! *goes to correct*


liadtbunny September 23 2016, 14:02:18 UTC
Hello, not about the fandoms above (and panicking because tag moding is nearly over) but for my nom for 'Henry VI - Shakespeare' Margaret of Anjou hasn't been approved. My other noms have been changed to Name (Henry VI - Shakespeare) so I expected her to be changed to something like Marguerite d'Anjou | Margaret of Anjou (Henry VI - Shakespeare). She's definitely eligible.


jenn_calaelen September 23 2016, 14:04:35 UTC
She's in the tagset, so no need to worry. It might be that something went wrong with the tag and we had to add her manually or that someone else had nominated her under a different tag and that one was sent through.


liadtbunny September 23 2016, 14:10:29 UTC
Phew, thank you! \o/


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