And Another Yuletide Ends

Dec 31, 2015 19:00

Author reveals are in progress for the Madness and main Yuletide collections (again, don't worry if the process is not instant).
Thank you all - writers, beta readers, readers - Yuletide 2015 is officially over!

Some stats for you:
Total nominated fandoms: 3182, with 13329 characters.
Total works in the main collection: 2592, in 1534 fandoms

3 fandoms got 20 or more works in the main collection:
  • Hamilton - Miranda (57)
  • Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (23)
  • The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) (20)

Longest Fic: 39,930 words (in The Martian (2015)). Runners up are 38,626 words (in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)), 38,362 (in Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen), and 37,192 (in Check Please! (Webcomic))
Yuletide Isn't Just for Pr0n Dept: 1137 gen stories (as opposed to specified relationships), 1042 rated for general audiences
Most Tagged Character: Original Characters (56). The runner up was Alexander Hamilton (45).

Most Popular Additional Tags: Yuletide Treat, Post-Canon, Yuletide 2015 (144), Misses Clause Challenge (143)

Canonical tag cloud for the main collection

Madness Stats
375 stories total in 409 fandoms.
Top Fandoms
  • The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) (8)
  • 12 Dancing Princesses (Fairy Tale) (7)
  • Hamilton - Miranda (7)

Longest Fic: 14,037 words (in Sunless Sea)
Most Tagged Character: Gaby, Illya, and Napoleon from The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) were each tagged 6 times
Most Popular Additional Tags: Yuletide Madness Drabble Invitational, Yuletide Treat, Drabble, Misses Clause Challenge
Shortest Fic: 99 words, in Lupin III
Canonical tag cloud for Madness

Special thanks go to:

Tagmods and Assistant Mods - Steelneko, moriann, Llwyden ferch Gyfrinach (Llwyden), VelvetMouse, Truth, Aeiouna, starseverywhere, Morbane, freneticfloetry, Pameluke, kristin, Naraht, NightsMistress, thedevilchicken, AlterEgon, Doranwen, Measured_Words, silverr, LeaperSonata, Makioka, Rosencrantz, spoke - for checking nominations, helping check stories, answering questions, data entry, advice
kristin & Flamebyrd for bookmarklets
Morbane for general admin
astolat for supervising matching and assisting behind the scenes
AO3 Coders and Tag Wranglers for fixing the problems of stories not showing up and wrangling fandoms to appear correctly
Pinch Hitters, especially for last minute and emergency pinch hits
Spreadsheeters of the various letter, betas, etc posts
Everyone who helped answer questions in chat or on the posts
The Hippos of Chat

The New Year Resolution collection for 2016 is open, and will remain open until sign-ups close for Yuletide 2016.

Anyone with an AO3 account can write stories for the the NYR 2016 collection - you do not need to sign up. Your story must be written for someone’s Yuletide prompt, featuring the requested characters, and posted them into that year's NYR subcollection. Prompts from previous years are allowed, but the fandom must not have grown too big for Yuletide in 2015.

Prompts can be found in the following places and formats: AO3, Text File, Pinch hitters' prompts (DW), Pinch hitters prompts (LJ)

Writers who defaulted in Yuletide 2016 may need to write NYR stories. That includes writers who defaulted after the default deadline (13th December), writers who posted their stories late, and writers whom we have spoken to about their placeholders, among others. If you are in this category, your NYR story must be at least 1,000 words long, as well as the other criteria. Please also remember to contact us after you've posted your NYR story to make sure we take you off the "banned" list. If you are not sure if you are banned from participation or not, email and ask.

We will be reviewing how things have worked this year, but there will not be major changes to the rules for 2016. There will be a post in early September with revised rules for comment, before nominations start.

Hope to see you all in September for Yuletide 2016!

new year's resolutions, reveal, statistics

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