Oct 29, 2014 21:29
We know everyone is excitedly waiting for their assignments, so here is an update on the process so far.
First off, assignments will go out tomorrow!
We had two unmatchable writers. They responded to our emails very quickly to add to their offers - this is very much appreciated. There were also two people with no possible writer, and fewer than 15 others who were not matched. This means there will be something under 15 initial pinch hits, which is a good number! These numbers are very similar to last year’s and mean that the system of 3 nominations, 3-6 requests and 4+ offers worked well.
One issue that we did come across was that some people used very large bucket lists! Please remember that there is a diminishing return as you add fandoms to your bucket list because you can only be assigned one recipient, no matter how many fandoms you offer. Ten extra fandoms is a good number. Twenty is okay. Fifty is too many.
Anyway, not long now!