You can find signups for Yuletide 2012 here. Signups will remain open until Sunday, 28 October, 09:00PM EDT (
What time is that for me? And
here is a countdown). You can continue to edit your signups up until they close.
- The screencasts walking you through signup are available here. Some details are different, particularly the lack of rating, relationship, and freeform tags.
When you input a fandom name, then all characters available for that fandom should come up in the autofill. If a character listed on the tag set does not come up under the appropriate fandom, you can copy & paste it from the tag set to make sure it's input correctly.
ETAx2: Please remember that for requests, the character matching is AND, not OR. You will match on every character you request, not a subset of those. If you request chars A,B,C,D then you'll only match to someone offering all of those (or "Any"), but not to anyone who offers only one or two or three of chars A,B,C,D.
However, if you offer chars A,B,C,D you will match to someone requesting A,B,C,D or "0" chars, or someone requesting any subset: A,B, or A,B,D, or A,D, etc.
- You can make 3-4 requests, all in distinct/different fandoms. Please do not request the same characters/prompts across multiple fandoms.
- You can request 0 characters in a fandom, but this means you will match either to someone who offered "Any" nominated characters or someone who offered specific characters, so be sure you'll be happy with stories about any of the nominated characters. You cannot request 0 characters and then use your optional details to ask instead for characters who were not nominated.
I'll be making a post next specifically about Optional Details.
- You can make 4-6 offers with 2-8 specific characters. It will look like you can add more offers, but don't try to submit with more than six or else it won't work! However, if you go in to edit and delete one of your offers, you'll then be able to add another for a total of six.
- If you want to offer a fandom that has 0-1 characters available, tick the "Any" box instead of specifying characters (or add it to a bucket list).
- If you have multiple fandoms in which you want to offer to write "Any" nominated characters, you can do five specific offers, and make the sixth fandom a "Bucket List".
Making a Bucket Offer:
- For your last offer, you can make a "bucket" offer of all the fandoms for which you're willing to offer to write for any of the nominated characters. The hitch is that the optional tags autocomplete does not draw from our tagset, but spelling and spaces do matter (a wrong spelling or a stray space, and it may kick out all the fandoms in the Optional Tags area).
The easiest way to fill it in is to use the "Fandom:" line autocomplete and copy and paste fandoms from there one by one into the Optional Tags line until you are done, and then leave the last fandom in the Fandom line. Another option (safer if you have lots), make a comma-separated list in a text file by C&P'ing from the options page, then paste it in.
ETA: Or you can use the awesome Bucket List Generator created by flamebyrd! \o/
Note: While offering some fandoms where you can write "any" definitely helps with matching, the more everyone offers, the more it slows down matching overall. So aim for no more than 10-20 at most.
The list of requested/offered fandoms will be available here after five people have signed up.