Spreadsheet geekery 2009

Nov 13, 2009 18:24

So now that the data is more or less final, here's the Yuletide 2009 requests and offers spreadsheet!

Total fandoms: 3554, out of which 2675 were requested and 879 weren't.

117 fandoms got no activity at all (compared with 47 last year!), which means that there were 762 fandoms offered but not requested. Douglas Adams - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series is the leader, with 61 offers but no requests.

66 fandoms were not offered but requested (sad lonely fandoms :( ).

This leaves us with 2609 "active" fandoms, i.e. fandoms that can expect fics for them. (Not counting fandoms that writers might pick up on the way, or fandoms where the lone requester was the same person as the offerer. ;) )

Top Twelve Requests (twelve because it's my spreadsheet and I wanted to catch White Collar in both tops, so there)
*Leverage (tv) (65,145)
*Glee (tv) (56,157)
*Castle (tv) (53,160)
*White Collar (tv) (51,109)
Babylon 5 (45,84)
*The Big Bang Theory (42,115)
*Dollhouse (40,128)
True Blood (38,76)
Lois McMaster Bujold - Vorkosigan series (36,54)
Mad Men (35,60)
Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes series (33,92)
The Middleman (tv) (32,86)

( Compare with last year's - it's almost entirely different, except for the presence of Vorkosigan series. TV shows that are likely to soon become too popular for Yuletide seem to be responsible for this. ;) )

Top Twelve Offers
Fairy Tales (trad) (19,199)
*Castle (tv) (53,160)
*Glee (tv) (56,157)
Mythology - Greek and Roman (10,153)
*Leverage (tv) (65,145)
Dr Horribles Sing-Along Blog (3,129)
*Dollhouse (40,128)
Beauty and the Beast (1991 movie) (4,128)
Terry Pratchett - Discworld (31,124)
*The Big Bang Theory (42,115)
*White Collar (tv) (51,109)
Tamora Pierce - Tortall series (31,109)

I starred the fandoms that appear in both tops. Even without my cheating, this year the overlap between tops is bigger.

The neediest (not counting those that weren't offered at all because they cause division by zero error :D) are
Bronski und Bernstein (3,1)
Persona 1-2 (3,1)
with a 3/1 ratio.

The over-offered top ten-ish (again, discounting those that weren't requested at all, see: division by zero):
Disney Princesses (1,88)
Frances Hodgson Burnett - A Little Princess (1,73)
Neil Gaiman - Stardust (book or comic) (1,62)
Stardust (movie) (1,62)
Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility (1,53)
The Lion King (1,53)
Aladdin (movie) (2,105)
The Princess Bride (movie) (2,101)
Back to the Future (1,50)
Coraline (movie) (1,47)
Shakespeare - Macbeth (1,47)

And that's about what I can think of right now. I hope the data doesn't change again, because I'm not doing this again. ;)


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