YT18 Recs Catch-all Post

Dec 25, 2018 21:21

One of the great traditions of Yuletide is recommending works to others - there are so many good works in the collection and you want everyone to know about them! We've discussed several options of how you can share recommendations at the admin LJ and admin DW.

This post is the catch-all recs post. Use it as:

  • an index - if you make a recs post of your own to the Yuletide LiveJournal community or Yuletide Dreamwidth community, consider also linking your post under this post's index comment.
  • a place to ask for recs - comment with themes, ratings, or tropes you want recs for!
  • a place to post your recs if you don't want to make a post to the community. Put your recs, or a link to your tumblr/Pillowfort/twitter/?? recs, in a comment, if that is your preference

Please use subject lines when commenting to this post. ETA: Please rec 3 or more things per individual rec post - fewer is OK if you're replying to a specific request.

You can also save recs on AO3 itself - see tutorial.

This post on DW

rec index, recs

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