It's two and a half weeks until the Yuletide posting deadline. So: how's everyone going?
Alarm, existential angst, overcommitment, bears?
Confidence, enjoyment, early completion?
Something in the middle?
Feel free to vent or boast here. Please avoid any details that may give away who you're writing for, and what fandom - and keep in mind how any comments may be read after reveals.
If you have a plot problem, maybe the IRC chat or a spreadsheet beta can help fix it. If you're new to exchanges, maybe someone can answer a question in the comments. If you have a doubt or difficulty, there are plenty of resources to help and plenty of sympathetic people in the same boat as you.
*bears: shorthand for feeling daunted by your assignment and uncertain if you can complete it. Also defined
here. Example sentence: "I just realised my plot depends on one of my recipient's DNWs, and I have BEARS."