Totally optional crossover, fusion and A/U requests

Oct 23, 2015 17:55

Optional details are optional, and crossover requests are even more optional.  That said, some people are open to receiving them, and some like to throw crossover prompts out there just in case their author or a treat writer happens to be interested.

So, if you are interested in crossovers (or fusions, or fandom A/Us), you may want to mention them here where they're more likely to be spotted.

Please give the following:
Your AO3 name
A link to your letter
Requested fandoms that you would be interested in having crossed.

You may also include some or all of the following, if it's not in your letter:
Which formats you're interested in receiving (crossovers/fusions/fandom A/Us)
Fandoms that you know that you would like your Yuletide fandom crossed with.
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