Yuletide 2014 Beta Readers

Nov 02, 2014 22:11

Dear all,

After discussion in this post, I have created a Google form for beta readers to offer their services. This should make the offers more consistent and therefore easier to browse/search by people looking for betas, as well as reducing the work needed to make the rest of the spreadsheet fully spiffy.

Here's what to do:

Offer your services as a beta

Use this Google Docs form. The form asks for your AO3 name, contact information, and various beta offers. It would be very helpful if you would hit "enter" after each item in a multi-item list.

You can edit your responses after you've made them, as long as you save the "Edit Your Response" link.

Find a beta

Browse or search this Google Docs spreadsheet. This consists of five different sheets, which are labeled at the bottom. The first four should be self-explanatory: "fandoms," "languages," "areas of expertise," and "SPAG" (spelling, puncutation, and grammar). The last is "Form Responses 1." That is the complete data received from the form and will always be the most up-to-date; I will manually transfer over the individual entries to the appropriate spreadsheet when I have time (it turns out not to be that labor-intensive, once everything's in the spreadsheet to begin with). There is a note at the top of each of the first four sheets explaining this and with a timestamp for the most recent update.

Questions? Concerns? Leave 'em in comments.

beta readers

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