Hello Yuletide folk,
While we're gearing up for our assignments, I thought I'd get the ball rolling on a beta-reading post. It is encouraged that you get someone else to look over your Yuletide fic before you post it; this post is to help you connect with people who know your canons or have a good eye for spelling and consistency.
Beta-reading is a fun and optional way of participating in Yuletide. You don't need to be signed up for the main challenge to help out in this way.
If you would like to help out a challenge writer by looking over their story, brainstorming with them, or offering expert advice, please comment on this post and include the following -
- Your AO3 name, if signed up to the challenge; any name you like, if not.
- Fandoms you are knowledgeable about
- General subjects you have in-depth knowledge of (for example, "Horror movies", "Antarctic fishing", "New Caledonia")
- Languages you can offer help with
- Offers of general SPAG beta-ing, including any limits such as "won't beta a fic longer than 10,000 words." (You may want to put other general notes about your beta-ing at the bottom of your comment. Please make it clear whether you're offering to beta generally, including in fandoms you don't know, or whether your additional comments only relate to the listed fandoms. If it's the latter, I won't put you on the SPAG sheet.)
- A suggestion on how to contact you (LJ PM, email, ?)
When listing fandoms: it will help if you copy the AO3 spellings and formatting. For my own list, I just went down the
sign-up summary and grabbed everything that I was reasonably familiar with. The
full 2013 tag set is also useful.
Your fandoms and general topics
are easiest
to enter into the spreadsheet
in separate lines
like this.
The spreadsheet is here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqDCDQO9FcG9dHlxUzR3cXhtVUlSdjVrRV9xQV8yQnc&usp=sharing Note that Fandoms, Languages, General Topics, and SPAG are all on different sheets (labelled at the bottom of the frame).
I will be updating it gradually, so please be patient - thank you.
If you make a change, the best way to let me know is by adding a reply to your original comment.
A traditional way of finding betas for Yuletide fics is the Yuletide IRC channel, where you can send a private message to a Hippo, who will relay your request. See this year's
post on how to connect to #yuletide chat.
And it's possible someone of years past can also give you the knowledge you require. See below:
Beta-readers in 2012 Beta-readers in 2011 Beta readers in 2010 Beta readers in 2009 Happy writing, reading, and editing.