Fandoms in the Marvel Ultimate Universe

Oct 05, 2013 22:12

We have reviewed the complaints many of you have had about the Marvel Ultimates nominations. Due to the confusion surrounding the decisions we’ve made regarding this particular fandom, after consulting with tag mods familiar with the fandom, we’ve decided to elaborate on the process behind it and its review.
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myxginxblossoms October 6 2013, 20:32:02 UTC
I can see how it could be read as something that didn't need a reply, and I appreciate your answering now. I specifically pointed out the talking-to-the-constituents part because your first answer sounded like the primary lesson learned was "we'll have to do comics differently next year" rather than "we should hesitate before making sweeping changes to nominations without input from the nominators, who are sometimes more familiar with the fandoms in question."

I can also definitely see why it would be wiser to wait to give solid answers. That said, I think the radio silence on pertinent issues (the previous comments on Marvel Ultimates vs. Ultimate Spider-Man, the current comments on Gwen Stacy, etc.) has made it more difficult for participants to trust that anyone has seen and noted their comment. I track comments on most of the yuletide_admin posts, and several participants have had to comment multiple times regarding their fandoms' issues before anyone answered their questions and allayed their concerns. A reply along the lines of "We've added this issue to the list of things we're going to take a look at when we're all online at the same time, thanks!" would go a long way for many people, especially if the issue really was looked at after that point. It would show that someone has seen and understood the comment, that the issue is being taken seriously, and that there will be follow-up steps taken in response. Similarly, when issues are fixed, something as small as including a period at the end of the "Fixed" reply shows that some time and consideration went into answering the problem.

No doubt things are hectic, and you have my sympathies for the amount of pressure you must be under. I appreciate that you're willing to head this undertaking in elynross's stead. But I think you would receive more latitude from participants if the dialogue between mod and participant was a little more frequent and thoughtful.


jenn_calaelen October 6 2013, 20:50:55 UTC


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