Title: Frankie Says: Relax
Gift for:
xingouRating: PG
Fandom: New Mutants
Characters: Kitty/Ilyana, Rahne
Warnings: None
Artist notes: I am not actually in this fandom, and didn't know anything about it til I spent a week on wiki studying it. I tried to make it as believable as possible, lack of in depth knowledge notwithstanding. I saw that it was an 80's brain child, so I tried to make this as 80's as possible, including the artistic style. I hope you like it Ani.
Many many thank yous to the group of friends who helped me with ideas and advice and expertise while drawing this. It would not have happened without you or well, it would have but it wouldn't have been good enough to show anyone.
Summary: Rahne is intrigued by how involved Kitty and Ilyana are in their new book. (Implied femmeslash.)