I haven't updated in a really really long time with anything of any significance, so here goes, and beware, it's long.
Colleen came over after work, we rode the El to 69th Street for no reason, then back to 15th Street to meet up with
Meredith , we went to Wendy's, then to the Trocadero to see The Early November!!! There were a million people in line with NO COATS ON AND IT WAS FREEZING. I made these girls behind us in line really angry for pointing this out. I talked to a crackhead who tried selling me crack (But...I'm a dancer, and I don't do that, right?) This made the girls more angry.
I saw
Kristi <3 when I walked in and we screamed our lives away and it was fabulously magical and she loved the fact that I was dressed like a nun. I saw Buddy and Adam for the first time in a LONG TIME and I screamed and hurt my ear on Adam. Buddy led me to a Mister Kenny Vasoli (singer/bassist/turd) from the Starting Line who ran away from me when I asked if I could autograph him. I screamed "GET BACK HERE, YOU BITCH ASS HO!", or something along those lines, and he was very frightened.
We made those girls even MORE mad (If it was at all possible) when I was being crazy inside, singing "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" and rolling on the floor. It really makes my heart frown to realize that these girls, and a big chunk of the back of the crowd, had absolutely NO sense of humor. We were some of the oldest girls there, I think, and if this is what the future of Early November fandom is headed--pretentious, preteen snobs who can't think for themselves and who put others down when they're trying to enjoy themselves (I'll admit, I overdid it a little bit, but HEY! Things have been REALLY rough here for a while, I deserved it) then I just may skip out on the next show. Of course, I'm being ridiculous and will change my mind by the time I finish typing this paragraph. We left those lame chicks (they applauded when we left--oh, single tear, indian style) and we wet up to the balcony, where I saw Walter, but he didn't see me. Yarg. Teh Early Novemberssss were rockin, I didn't really pay attention to the opening bands because they were NOT Alabama Thunderpussy and that was all I wanted. HMPH.
I didn't do much the whole night, but still managed to wear myself out A LOT. I got home around, 11:30, got sick, ate chicken, and went to bed.
SUNDAY!!! sucked. My sister and I cancelled our plans to go to the Franklin Institute because of the weather. We put our tree up. My Mom broke it with a hammer.
TODAY!!! was rad. Despite the fact I more than likely bombed my Chemistry final (Seriously, though, one of the questions was "What was the approximate percentage of aluminum cans recycled in 1995?" WHAT IN THE FUCK DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH CHEMISTRY, SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME KTHX). I saw Kataryna in the Cafeteria and met up with
Lauren and we went to her bookstore, where I got a whopping $25 for a book I paid $160 for. I broke ANOTHER pair of headphones, so we went to the Gallery to get new ones, never ceasing to run into crazy people. One who seemed to be deathly afraid of Lauren in FYE and a crazy security guard who tried shouting her a holler. We tested our psychic abilites in Strawbridge's elevator, drooled over lights and tinsel in KMART, and read tampon instructions in Waldenbooks. (I really hate artsy pictures of babies.) I was so entertained by the 69th Street terminal on Saturday that Lauren and I made the trip out West, which was jam packed with crazy girls calling each other dykes and pushing themselves out the train doors and incense salesmen who really smelled bad. After admiring the spaceship toilets at the terminal, we made our way up to visit Joe, and it was very rad. I just hope he does not go crazy like he says because that will make me sad. Then we went home and on the way I discovered Lauren does not know what an ampersand is! Upside down tear!
.....too much text.